Sunday, December 29, 2019

The League of Nations

The League of Nations was an international organization that existed between 1920 and 1946. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the League of Nations vowed to promote international cooperation and preserve global peace. The League achieved some success, but it ultimately was unable to prevent the even deadlier World War II. The League of Nations was the predecessor to todays more effective United Nations. Goals of the Organization World War I (1914-1918) had caused the deaths of at least 10 million soldiers and millions of civilians. The Allied victors of the war wanted to form an international organization that would prevent another horrific war. American President Woodrow Wilson was especially instrumental in formulating and advocating the idea of a League of Nations. The League arbitrated disputes between member countries in order to peacefully preserve sovereignty and territorial rights. The League encouraged countries to reduce their amount of military weapons. Any country that resorted to war would be subject to economic sanctions such as a halt to trade. Member Countries   The League of Nations was founded in 1920 by forty-two countries. At its height in 1934 and 1935, the League had 58 member countries. The member countries of the League of Nations spanned the globe and included most of Southeast Asia, Europe, and South America. At the time of the League of Nations, nearly all of Africa consisted of colonies of Western powers. The United States never joined the League of Nations because the largely isolationist Senate refused to ratify the Leagues charter. The official languages of the League were English, French, and Spanish. Administrational Structure The League of Nations was administrated by three main bodies. The Assembly, composed of representatives from all member countries, met annually and discussed the priorities and budget of the organization. The Council was composed of four permanent members (Great Britain, France, Italy, and Japan) and several non-permanent members who were elected by the permanent members every three years. The Secretariat, led by a Secretary-General, monitored many of the humanitarian agencies described below. Political Success The League of Nations was successful in preventing several small wars. The League negotiated settlements to territorial disputes between Sweden and Finland, Poland and Lithuania, and Greece and Bulgaria. The League of Nations also successfully administered the former colonies of Germany and the Ottoman Empire, including Syria, Nauru, and Togoland, until they were ready for independence. Humanitarian Success   The League of Nations was one of the worlds first humanitarian organizations. The League created and directed several agencies that were meant to improve the living conditions of the worlds people. The League: aided refugeestried to end slavery and the drug tradeset standards on working conditionsconstructed better transportation and communications networksgave financial assistance and advice to some member countriesadministered the Permanent Court of International Justice (precursor to todays International Court of Justice)tried to prevent malnutrition and diseases such as leprosy and malaria (precursor to todays World Health Organization)promoted culture preservation and scientific advancement (precursor to todays UNESCO). Political Failures The League of Nations was unable to enforce many of its own regulations because it did not have a military. The League did not stop several of the most significant events that led to World War II. Examples of League of Nations failures include: the 1935 invasion of Ethiopia by Italythe annexation of the Sudetenland and Austria by Germanythe invasion of Manchuria (the northeastern Chinese province) by Japan in 1932 The Axis countries (Germany, Italy, and Japan) withdrew from the League because they refused to comply with the Leagues order to not militarize. The End of the Organization The members of the League of Nations knew that many changes within the organization had to occur after World War II. The League of Nations was disbanded in 1946. An improved international organization, the United Nations, was carefully discussed and formed, based on many of the political and social goals of the League of Nations. Lessons Learned The League of Nations had the diplomatic, compassionate goal of generating permanent international stability, but the organization was unable to avert conflicts which would ultimately change human history. Thankfully the worlds leaders realized the Leagues shortcomings and reinforced its objectives in the modern-day successful United Nations.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Similarities Between Confucianism And Christianity

COMPARE AND CONTRAST Essay Outline A Contrast of Confucianism and Christianity Thesis: Chinese Confucianism and Roman Christianity are similar in both set key principles adopted by governments and both were created by leaders who taught by lesson yet different in that Confucianism was promoted by the government whereas political leaders in Rome strongly opposed Christianity. Topic Sentence: Confucianism and Christianity are similar in that both set lasting principles that influenced their governments, Confucianism with central principles and an overall message interpreted many different ways, Christianity through unification of the later Roman Empire and a moral duty to take care of fellow men. Topic A: Confucianism’s influence Traditions Encounters: Chapter 8, page 185: â€Å"Confucius emphasized personal qualities like ren, li, and xiao because he believed that individuals who possessed those traits would gain influence in the larger society...only through enlightened leadership by morally strong individuals was there any hope for the restoration of political and social order in China† This quote demonstrates the main three principles that Confucianism was based upon are what Confucius believed would better society. These principles would create a stronger government, leading to better policies, and a stronger sense of unity in the people. Traditions Encounters: Chapter 8, page 185: â€Å"Because Confucius expressed his thoughts in general terms, later disciples could adaptShow MoreRelatedSimilarities And Differences Between Confucianism And Christianity1425 Words   |  6 PagesSometimes, life provides us with a challenge of either conforming to two ideologies or forgoing one and upholding the other. Being able to be both a Confucian and a Christian depends on how one weighs the similarities and differences of either part. It is well-acknowledged that both Confucianism and Christianity are significant. Their teachings have aided to form the value systems of Eastern and Western and cultures, which have navigated millions of people in behavior, spirit, mind, behavior, and relationshipsRead MoreConfucianism And Its Impact On Religion1208 Words   |  5 Pagesreligions that I am going to emphasis: Confucianism and Christianity. There are many factor to cover; the aspects about each religion, the similarities, and the differences between both. Each religion has a different way to develop and beliefs. First of all, there are many important aspects about Confucianism. In china, Confucianism is most emphases in moralism and ruling with people together with their education system. In a brief definition, Confucianism is the universe in whole under the heavenRead MoreWork of the Christian Missionaries: Converting China to Christianity1392 Words   |  6 PagesThe Christian missionaries knew it wasn’t going to be easy. Going to China at the time was a one way trip to an unknown land. The task of converting China to Christianity was rife with challenges due to continued resistance to any sort of outside influence that was a tradition of China for many years. Never-the-less the missionaries still went to China and by leveraging what advantages they could find, they were able to find some measure of success over the years. One of the men who made so muchRead MoreSimilarities Between Imperial Rome And Han China938 Words   |  4 PagesRepublic. Another big similarity in these two EMpires was that they achieved great architectural achievements. The two empires in many ways were also different. One of the things that they differed in was their religion but their religion wasn’t always so different. In early Imperial Rome, their main religion was called socialism. While on the other hand, the Han Dynasty’s main religion was Confucianism. Later on in Imperial Rome their main religion changed from Statism to Christianity in which I willRead MoreBuddhism : The Popularity Of Buddhism1306 Words   |  6 Pagesroughly 244 millions of practitioners in China, which is equivalent to 3.5% of the world population (â€Å"The Global Religious Landscape†). Since Buddhism’s core values and principles are highly correlated to two ancient Chinese religions: Daoism and Confucianism, Buddhism co ntinues to gain popularity and flourish in China. In fact, Buddhism originated from India, and the founder of Buddhism was a prince from a North Indian tribe who lived in the era of 500 B.C. when Confucius lived in China (â€Å"BuddhismRead MoreChristianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, And Confucianism1472 Words   |  6 Pagesyou look at it in the right fashion†, to â€Å"exactly alike†. In any case, there are many examples, and counterexamples of universal ideas between the â€Å"main† seven religions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism, which will be explored in the remainder of this essay. Arguments could be made on how all religions share a similarity. For example, all religions were persecuted by outsiders at some point. Perhaps the most dramatic example of this was the mass genocideRead MoreComparison of Jesus and Confucius1005 Words   |  5 Pagescountry but of half of the world. Their names are very well known and influential even in modern world. These names belong to a Chinese philosopher Confucius and Jewish religious leader Jesus Christ. The two religions they founded are Confucianism and Christianity. Even though these religions dominated in very distant from each other parts of the World, many concepts of these religions may seem strangely alike. Both Confucius’ and Christ’s teachings pursue transcendence within humans and peace withRead MoreChristianity And Confucianism : Confucianism2203 Words   |  9 PagesChristianity and Confucianism Christianity and Confucianism are important religions today at least according to the Chinese. As a result, the rising influence brought about by Confucianism in China tends to trigger conflicts between the two religions. The Chinese society is greatly influenced by Confucianism, which has a considerable impact on Christianity as a religion in China. The modes of thinking associated with Confucianism are evident in the Chinese Christianity, but Confucianism ideasRead MorePersonal Statement On Personal Religion1522 Words   |  7 PagesOrthodox, Conservative, and Reform. They celebrate the past, present, and have hopes for the future. One of the noticeable differences between Catholicism and Judaism is that, Jewish people do not celebrate Christmas and Easter. Even though I have seen some of them celebrate Christmas for the children’s sake. They celebrate Hanukkah. The similarity between Christianity and Judaism is that they also believe in Heaven and in hell. The Jews believe in the 13 principles of faith, a list of their beliefsRead MoreChristianity, Buddhism, And Confucianism872 Words   |  4 Pagesindependently search for their own unique perspective of truth and what is good. Though there are many different thoughts and explanations about how to live, there is some common ground between them. Throughout the year 600 B.C.E. to the year 600 C.E. the ideas of religion such as Christianity, Buddhism, and Confucianism and philosophy like those of Plato, Laozi, and Socrates. From 600 B.C.E. to 600 B.C. religions began to impact the traditions and attitudes in Europe and Asia resulting in multiple

Friday, December 13, 2019

Service Package of Village Volvo Free Essays

The Village Volvo service package is a quality repair service for out-of-warranty Volvos at a reasonable price and its operation is designed to be of a custom car care service. Specific times weekly are specifically set for drivers to who wants to have routine quick check-up services such as tune-ups and oil changes while clients are encouraged to have scheduled appointments for diagnosis and repair of specific problems. Mechanic will discuss problems that they have noticed in the clients’ car and occasionally take a short test drive with clients for better understanding of the area of concern. We will write a custom essay sample on Service Package of Village Volvo or any similar topic only for you Order Now Village Volvo service package maintains a continuing file on each vehicles it services which provides a convenient record for any vehicle that is returned on warranty after service which also in a way reminds clients of the next scheduled appointment. Owners will be consulted before any work other than the agreed-job is done. Waiting rooms are also available with the comfort of a home, equipped with a television set, comfortable chairs, coffee, a soft-drinks vending machine, magazines and local newspapers for clients who come in during the ‘drop-in’ times. Repairs that have been done and other problems that might need attention are then discussed with the clients, whereby these notes are brought to attention of the clients during pickup times. Besides that, parts that have been replaced are set aside for the inspection of the clients. Apart from the usual car services, cleanliness of the vehicle is also ensured before pickup. How to cite Service Package of Village Volvo, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Product Supply chain of Amcor Limited †

Question: Discuss about the Product Supply chain of Amcor Limited. Answer: Introduction The main discourse of the study aims to explain the stages of the product supply chain of Amcor Limited from procurement of the raw materials until it arrives to the consumer. The main process of the company is related to the recent purchase of the raw materials required for packaging. The discourse of the study also explains the relationship among the suppliers, customers and the level of inventory where it is held. The explanation of the problems and the suggestions are seen to be taken into consideration as per the improvement which can be made in the supply chain (Jacobs, Chase and Lummus 2014). Company overview, product overview, major competitors Amcor Limited is responsible for developing and producing high quality packaging products for variety of food, beverage, pharmaceutical, medical-device, home and personal-care and other products. Henceforth, the main produce of the company is discerned with packaging material. Some of the main form of the competitors of the company is determined as Georgia-Pacific LLC and Silgan Holdings Inc. (Christopher 2016). Stages of the product supply chain The first stage of product supply chain is acknowledged with planning of the appropriate operations strategy. Secondly, the company sources the components and the Raw materials at the best possible price, in the right quality and at the right time. The third stage is considered with scheduling of the production activities, testing of the products, packing and release. The company is also considered to manage the rules for the performance, storing of the data and maintaining the regulatory compliance. The fourth stage involves delivering the processes to the customers and making the necessary enquiries to select the distribution and the transportation strategy. The fifth stage relates to manage the returns for the defective products. Some of the other considerations needs to include recognizing the product condition, sanctioning returns, scheduling product shipments, replacing defective products and making provision for refunds (Hugos 2018). The relationship between suppliers and customers The customer supplier relationship is considered with product quality, services, handling and making complaints. In terms of the customers viewpoint the relationship is based on timely payments, flexibility, personalization of the relationship and sharing of information. The customer supplier relationship is understood with great importance in quality management across organizations which needs to be maintained in all the levels of supply chain. The inventory level is held for this consideration which is based on Second Stage which related to Inventory Planning. Explanation of any problems and suggestions for further improvements The key challenge for the company in inferred in terms of the supply chain along with the globalization aspect. This problem needs to be addressed with reducing the cost across the supply chain and lowering the labour costs, lowering taxes and overall cost of the raw materials. The changing market environment put forward with technology is considered as another challenge. This needs to be resolved by maintaining an agile supply chain responded with the spikes and dips in demand and production needs (Stadtler 2015). Conclusion The important assertions as per stages of the product supply chain of the company is well-thought-out with the data needed for planning, sourcing, scheduling, delivering and making provisions for the returns. The relationship between suppliers and customers is measured with various aspects such as product quality, services, handling and making complaints. The most evident challenge is based on globalisation and changes in the technology. References Christopher, M., 2016.Logistics supply chain management. Pearson UK. Hugos, M.H., 2018.Essentials of supply chain management. John Wiley Sons. Jacobs, F.R., Chase, R.B. and Lummus, R.R., 2014. Operations and supply chain management (pp. 533-535). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Stadtler, H., 2015. Supply chain management: An overview. InSupply chain management and advanced planning(pp. 3-28). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

International Entrepreneurship Discussion Board

The US versus Germany Germany and the UK have different cultural backgrounds hence the two countries respond differently to international entrepreneurship. The greatest notable factor is the language difference. In the UK, English is the major languages while Germans speak the German language. In the UK for instance, it is in their cultural practices to keep time and observe punctuality. Being late is considered bad etiquette and unprofessional unlike in Germany where the rules are not so strict on time (Hisrich, 2010).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on International Entrepreneurship Discussion Board specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The UK is more developed technologically compared to German because Germans are more reserved and are not very receptive of new and modern civilization in terms of technology. Even in the political scene, the UK has an advanced political structure compared to Germany whose structure doe s not allow a majority seats in the lower house. While UK is highly globalized, Germany is very rigid in terms of cultural homogenization, which makes the United States of America a better choice for investment. However, Germany is quite stable politically compared to the UK. The numerous public protests that are seen in the UK are rare in Germany due to political stability. Differences in market versus the ‘US-only’ market Political stability is very crucial for investors seeking to expand or establish business entities in a country. A country where there are uncertain prospects of security and political stability will definitely attract fewer investors. Political stability creates the right business environment for investors to carry out their production. Nonetheless, America has improved its ICT technology making it very advanced compared to German’s ICT platform (Economic globalization and culture, 1998). In social spheres, America is more receptive to foreig ners and foreign investments unlike in Germany. This has opened their market to foreign entrepreneurs unlike Germany whose foreign policies are not friendly to foreign investors. Market penetration between the Germany and England Penetrating the Germany market is not as easy as it would be to penetrate the England market. The two countries are different in cultural settings as discussed above. Germans are more conservatives compared to the UK hence market diffusion is quite a challenge. Germans are not very receptive to new products and the market in almost inaccessible. The main difference between the two countries is culture. Post by – NJ Your argument on the need to exploit the electronic platform in a bid to increase the chances of reaching out to many young people is very practical. You have mentioned that many teenagers are more inclined to reading from the internet. This is true and the social media platform can play a vital role in publicizing the magazine. To add on your idea, it is important for that the content of the magazine to be relevant to teenagers.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Post by – G.O. You have argued very well by showing the difference of marketing a product in different countries. Different countries will definitely pose different challenges to investors because every country has its individual foreign and trading policies. In addition to your points, demand for some products may vary from one country to the other. Consumer behaviour is also a factor to consider in international entrepreneurship. In addition, you should have considered including cultural difference as a factor that can pose a challenge while marketing a new product in other countries. References Economic globalization and culture: A discussion with Dr. Francis Fukuyama. (1998). Web. Hisrich, R., D. (2010). International Entrepreneurship: Start ing, Developing, and Managing a Global Venture. New York, NY: Sage. This essay on International Entrepreneurship Discussion Board was written and submitted by user Angie Mcfadden to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Hearst castle essays

Hearst castle essays I recently had the opportunity to visit Hearst Castle over the summer. I took a couple of the tours which included several of the rooms, the gardens, the pools and the guest houses. A brief history of the castle was explained on the bus trip to the top of the castle. There is a great deal of historic significance behind the making of Hearst Castle. What is now referred to as Hearst Castle began over 100 years ago. A wealthy miner acquired the land and it was his son who designed the castle and all of its embellishments. The castle is well known for its history and its impressive collection of art, artifacts and antiquities from around the world. George Hearst, a self-made millionaire in the mining business acquired the 48,000 acre known as Piedras Blancas Ranch in 1865. George did not receive a formal education but he learned a great deal about the mining business from his father. His knowledge of the mining business brought him great success as he owned interest in three of the largest mining discoveries in America: the Comstock Lode in Nevada, the Ontario silver mine in Utah and the Anaconda copper mine in Montana. His successes enabled him to also acquire the adjoining ranches of Santa Rosa and San Simeon. The castle had humble beginnings as a camping retreat. George, family and friends would set up tents and camp out. However, things would soon change for Camp Hill as it was then called. In 1919, his only son, William Randolph Hearst inherited the land from his mother, and William desired a more relaxing and comfortable retreat. William Randolph Hearst not only inherited his fathers riches, but he himself as a millionaire. William was very involved in publishing, politics, Hollywood and the art world. William was a journalism major at Harvard and became the owner of several newspapers and magazines. William also served as congressman of New York. He was a working man who prided himself on his ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

CSR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

CSR - Essay Example 16-22). It is highly important for an organization maintain strong relationship with, customers, business clients, employees and several external stakeholders. Effective business operation sustainability and CSR activities can help an organization to maintain strong relationship with the stakeholders and several shareholders. The essay will support that the CSR reports of the organizations generally provide useful information on the environmental performance and corporate social performance by considering the example of Tesco Plc and several other firms by considering several accounting theories. Discussion Instrumental theories In this theory CSR is seen as a strategic tool so that it can achieve the economic activities of a company and can ultimately lead to wealth creation. According to the Friedman view, it is seen that the only responsibility of the business it has towards the society is maximisation of the profits of the shareholders while working within the legal and ethical f ramework of the company. This theory has long enjoyed the acceptance of the business across the world. Such concern for profits include taking into consideration the interest of all the stakeholders of an organisation. It is argued that in some conditions such satisfaction can increase the overall profit and hence result in maximising the shareholder value. It has been seen that there is a positive correlation between the social responsibility and the financial performance of the companies (Brennan and Merkl-Davies, 2013, pp. 109-132). Here there are three main groups of instrumental theories on the basis of the economic objective of the company. The first is the maximization of the shareholder value. The second is focusing on the strategic goal of achieving the competitive advantage. The third is the related to the cause-related marketing efforts of the company. British Petroleum understands this aspect much better. The policy statement of BP commits the company to its wide ranging business policies. The CSR report of the company illustrates way the company is meeting those commitments in a way which supports the profitability of the company. Hence by focussing on the Strong financial performance the company can invest the profits into their CSR activities (Deegan and Rankin, 1996, pp. 50-69). Political theories Political theory is an effective CSR accounting theory that used to focus on the interaction between the society and companies and their responsibilities towards the society. There are three divisions of this theory that are discussed below. Corporate Constitutionalism According to this concept the social responsibility of an organization generally arises depending upon the available social power of Organization. Coca Cola Company is one of the leading organizations. The organization implements several green strategies depending upon its social power. Effective water recycling strategy helps the organization to maintain is leading organization within global soft drink industry. Social Contract Theory Jean- Jacques Rousseau was the political economist who posited the social contract theory. According to him the individuals form a social contract with the state so that responsibility of citizens of the state is entrusted with the government. Thus the people are the source of the collective political sovereignty of the state. Thus the government was performing the functions of the common people after undergoing a

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Letter to the Superintendent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Letter to the Superintendent - Essay Example Nevertheless, in spite of the acknowledged importance of teacher leadership, little if any is known about the pathways that teachers may follow and how they can be supported to develop as leaders. Therefore, understanding the efforts necessary to support teacher leaders is necessary. Levin (40) argues that, it is not only important to know what teachers do as leaders, but also gain understanding and in-depth descriptions of how leadership skills are developed. According to Donaldson (28), action research refers to a professional inquiry into a given situation. As the name suggests, action research is concerned with undertaking certain professional actions and its sole purpose is to understand and improve teachers’ leadership actions. In this letter, action research in education is therefore grounded on the working lives of teachers and how they experience their profession. The following are the identified action research projects that facilitate growth of teachers’ lead ership skills necessary to effect school reforms. Needs assessment The entire school reform process begins with identifying needs. Through use of rubrics and other resources, needs assessment will help in comparing leadership practices and reform programs of our school with best practices of the successful schools. The sole purpose of needs assessment is to lay out a comprehensive plan to improve student learning and performance. Teacher leadership is the process in which teachers collectively or individually influences principals, colleagues and other members of the school community to upgrade learning and teaching practices with the sole aim of increasing student learning and achievement. In addition, leadership is about action that transforms learning and teaching hence tying the school and the community together to advance quality of life and social stability (Froyd and Ohland 154). There are numerous ways in which teachers can actively engage as leaders, including mentoring new teachers, development and distributing of curriculum materials, coordinating professional development, participating in decision making among others. Strategic planning In response to the assessed leadership needs, the school will come up with a comprehensive strategic plan for developing teachers’ leadership skills. Ingram, Wolfe and Lieberman (480) observed that such strategic plans would have consensus on priority goals. Further, each priority goal will be aligned to school reform goals to facilitate the desired school reforms. Such strategic planning process will help the leadership teams to focus on priority goals that can help in capacity building for implementation of the entire school reform. Attending training workshops Teachers will undergo training workshops to hone their leadership skills as innovators, advocates and stewards. During the training period, teachers will have an in-depth review of leadership-related literature to try to understand the vast scope and the available avenues of teacher leadership and to find out potential solutions to different barriers. Developing customized goals and action plans Based on their interests, teachers will be expected to develop action plans on how to practice acquired leadership skills and the possible anticipated challenges likely to be faced. Enroll for relevant courses To support growth of leadership skills, teachers will enroll for graduate-level courses relevant to their lines of teaching. They will also

Monday, November 18, 2019

Magical Realism And Transformation Of Characters In Animated Films Case Study

Magical Realism And Transformation Of Characters In Animated Films - Case Study Example The numerous character transformations have been used to highlight or depict the social changes of the time some of which may include the changing women rights, homosexual issues and increasing transformations regarding birthrights and abortion rights among others (Moritz, 1996, 49). It has also been widely suggested that the transformations may have been used as a satirical anti-Nazi parable. Generally, although the silhouette artforms may have been made to target children, Lotte Reiniger may also have infused social responsibility. Some of the major characters that have undergone character transformation in the movie include Peri Banu and the African magician. For example, the African magician frees himself from the chains and transforms into a bat and attempts to seek out Ahmed before the Prince chases him back to human form. The first appearance of the African sorcerer/magician shows him slowly unfold in the medium of close up with his fingers undergoing spider like articulations (Moritz, 1996, 48). As he transforms into various creatures, the body of the African Sorcerer can be seen going through a series of contortions. On the other hand, Aladdin and the magician both engage in a fiery magical due to each transforming into various creatures (Warner (2011, 401). They, however, soon resume their human form after a while before flinging fireballs at each other. Princess Peri Banu also transforms herself from time to time. In some instances, Peri Banu has a proportionate body with softened mellow and silhouette s with constant grins and smiles while at the time the princess appears as an earthly creature with a frontal appearance. With a lot of plotting; this German animation film is the oldest surviving animated motion picture.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Pursuing a Career as a Registered Nurse

Pursuing a Career as a Registered Nurse Confucius once stated, Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life (Stevenson, 1987). Those profound words truly encourage the importance of choosing a career that one is passionate about in order to attain happiness. However, many individuals fail to recognize that they must be well-suited for their chosen career. While becoming a nurse may not be for everyone, the job can definitely be worthwhile. The abundance of demands and responsibilities that the job entails may be intimidating, but there are so many different opportunities within the nursing field that make it advantageous. Pursuing a career as a registered nurse will certainly be challenging, but it will be an extremely rewarding profession. A career in nursing is one that has a long history, although it has evolved over time into one of the most demanding careers in the medical field. A nurse is defined as a person formally educated and trained in the care of the sick or infirm, especially a registered nurse (Random House, 2001, p. 911). However, nursing has not always been considered a profession in which training or education was required. According to The New Book of Popular Science, in earlier times nurses were generally untrained, learning only what was needed for the specific situations in which they worked (2005, p. 482). Eventually, nursing transformed into a profession that entailed a great deal of knowledge and skill. Nursing as a modern profession can be traced back to the mid 19th century (The New Book of Popular Science, 2005, p. 482), as Florence Nightingale became known as one of the first pioneers of nursing. Nightingale cared for wounded British soldiers during the Crimean War, which showed the importan ce of skilled nursing and in 1860, the first nursing school, based on Nightingales methods, was founded in affiliation with Saint Thomas Hospital in London (The New Book of Popular Science, 2005, p. 482). Nursing schools gradually became more popular, and in 1872, Bostons New England Hospital for women and children established the first U.S. nursing school, which awarded a nursing diploma to Linda Richards, the first trained nurse in the U.S. (The New Book of Popular Science, 2005, p. 482). Since then, millions of men and women have entered the medical field as trained nurses, as it has proven to be an excellent career. While I have always had an interest in the medical field and a strong desire to care for and help people, being exposed to a hospital environment and observing a hospital staff allowed me to discover my desire of pursuing a career in nursing. The nurses, so intelligent, compassionate, and understanding, had not only provided their patients with necessary treatments, but offered them their utmost support and companionship. Knowing that I possess those attributes, it is that vision that has given me the drive and the willingness to help others. As an aspiring registered nurse, one must be committed to working diligently in preparation for her career. Although each approach is quite challenging, there are three educational routes to becoming an RN: 1) Two year associate degree programs offered by community, junior, and technical colleges. 2) Three year diploma programs offered by hospitals. 3) Four year bachelors degree programs offered by colleges/universities. These award the bachelors of science in nursing (BSN) degree (S. Wischnitzer E. Wischnitzer, 2005, p. 172). These three educational routes allow individuals to pursue a career as a registered nurse, while being able to choose a program that is tailored to suit their needs. Nevertheless, nursing students are all required to take several pre-requisites. For example, basic courses cover anatomy, physiology, sociology, English, psychology, philosophy, microbiology, and nursing concepts and techniques (S. Wischnitzer E. Wischnitzer, 2005, p. 172). If a student opts to e nroll in a four year bachelors degree program, they must also take courses in precalculus, chemistry (both general and organic), biology, anthropology, and epidemiology, as well as several advanced nursing courses (S. Wischnitzer E. Wischnitzer, 2005, p. 172). Regardless of which program a student is enrolled in, all prospective nurses must obtain a nursing license before they are able to work. To do so, candidates must pass a written state board examination after graduating from an accredited nursing school (S. Wischnitzer E. Wischnitzer, 2005, p. 172). While education is obviously an integral part of becoming a nurse, its important that nurses possess certain characteristics in order to be successful medical professionals. For example, the U.S. Department of Labor explains that nurses should be caring, sympathetic, responsible, and detail oriented. They must be able to direct or supervise others, correctly assess patients conditions, and determine when consultation is required. They need emotional stability to cope with human suffering, emergencies, and other stresses (2010-2011). Providing a student possesses these characteristics and is capable of doing well throughout her nursing program, she should be fully prepared to succeed in a career as a registered nurse. The job of a registered nurse is certainly one that involves a great deal of responsibilities. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, registered nurses treat patients, educate patients and the public about various medical conditions, and provide advice and emotional support to patients family members. RNs record patients medical histories and symptoms, help perform diagnostic tests and analyze results, operate medical machinery, administer treatment and medications, and help with patient follow-up and rehabilitation (2010-2011). However, depending on the nurses specialty and/or job location, her duties may vary. Therefore, a nurse must be able to apply her newly acquired knowledge and skills from school to the job of her choice. For example, registered nurses have a very wide choice of work settings these include hospitals of different types, nursing homes, schools, community health centers, public health offices, and industrial facilities (S. Wischnitzer E. Wischnitzer, 2005, p. 170). Fortunately, most nurses work in facilities that are clean and well lighted and where the temperature is controlled, although some work in rundown inner city hospitals in less than ideal conditions (Careers in Focus, 2006, p. 165). Nursing is definitely a very demanding job regardless of work setting, as it can be both physically and emotionally exhausting. For example, caring for patients often requires a great deal of strenuous activity, as patients who are ill are usually very weak. Additionally, nurses typically work long hours that include either twelve or eight hour shifts. Those in hospitals generally work any of three shifts: 7:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.; 3:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M.; or 11:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M (Careers in Focus, 2006, p. 165). Nurses also spend a large portion of their day either walking or standing, which is definitely physically taxing. Consequently, it is not unlikely for nurses to feel as though they are going to burn out. For example, one nurse reported t hat if you are doing a good job, it is mentally as well as physically exhausting, demanding you are going to burn out, as no one supports you you are always working, always on your feet, always thinking. It doesnt end ever your brain is always in overtime (Industrial Engineer, 2011). The abundance of work and the effort a nurse must put into her job may seem very unpleasant at times, but it is undoubtably a financially rewarding career. According to the New York State Department of Labor (2010), the average salary for a registered nurse working in New York City is $82,920. Furthermore, nurses are entitled to a fair amount of time off. As for vacation time, new employees earn 13 days per year, and bonus days are added each year for the first 7 years (NYS Department of Civil Service, 2011). Also, employees can earn 5 days of personal leave per year and sick leave can be accumulated to a maximum of 200 days (NYS Department of Civil Service, 2011). Registered nurses put an enormous amount of time and energy into helping people and providing patients with proper health care, proving that they are definitely deserving of a high salary and adequate time off. Despite the disadvantages of becoming a registered nurse, the various job opportunities and possibilities to advance make it a very desirable career choice. Besides the chance to help others and put ones skills to work, nursing offers diversity, ready availability of jobs, reasonable starting salaries, attractive employee benefits, a choice of educational programs, and plentiful financial aid (Tise, 1988). These advantages are usually very appealing to interested nursing students, as the field of nursing is extremely broad and offers so many different options. Furthermore, nurses typically enjoy interacting with different types of people on a daily basis. For example, a study showed that despite nurses decision to quit, they identified interactions with patients and families as being emotionally satisfying, and the loss of this interaction as their biggest regret since leaving practice (Mackusick Minick, 2010). However, patient interaction is not always so enjoyable, as RNs may be i n close contact with individuals who have infectious diseases (U.S. Department of Labor, 2009), which can be quite dangerous if one is not cautious. Nurses have also reported that they dislike the people they work with, which is evident in an article from Medsurg Nursing, which states unfriendly workplace was evidenced by nurses reporting issues of sexual harassment; verbal or physical abuse from co-workers, managers, or physicians in the workplace; and/or consistent lack of support from other RNs (Mackusick Minick, 2010). However, as with any career, it is important to understand that some co-workers are going to be more friendly than others. In addition to an unfriendly workplace, overwork and stress are common in nursing long hours, inconvenient hours, and little rest have always been a nurses lot (Tise, 1988). For example, researchers found that the average total sleep time between 12-hour shifts was only 5.5 hours (Healthcare Traveler, 2010), reiterating the fact that the job of a nurse is extremely exhausting. Moreover, nurses can be held legally accountable for providing the wrong medication to a patient even if ordered to do so by a doctor (Tise, 1988), which is definitely a rather unattractive aspect of nursing. Nevertheless, the disadvantages of becoming a nurse should not undermine the fact that nursing has a very promising future. Current projections are that employment of RNs is expected to grow faster than average for all occupations through 2012, and many jobs will result (S. Wischnitzer E. Wischnitzer, 2005, p. 172). The large amount of employment opportunities is attributed to a severe shortage of nurses, which will be exacerbated by the increasing numbers of baby boomer aged nurses who are expected to retire, creating more open positions than there are graduates of nursing programs (Careers in Focus, 2006, p. 165). In addition to benefiting from a very favorable job market, registered nurses have the opportunity to continue their education and advance in their career. With additional experience and training, an RN may move into a supervisory, management, or administrative position such as head nurse. Other potential directions for advancement include specialty training, especially in one of the advanced-practice nursing specialties (S. Wischnitzer E. Wischnitzer, 2005, p. 172). Of the various advancement opportunities, an advanced-practice nurse is the highest degree of specialty within the field of nursing. Advanced-practice nurses are highly trained specialists with one of four professional titles: clinical nurse specialist, nurse-anesthetist, nurse practitioner, or nurse-midwife (S. Wischnitzer E. Wischnitzer, 2005, p. 171). If a registered nurse decides to become an advanced-practice nurse, he or she must obtain a masters or doctorate degree. Many nurses choose to follow this career path, as it allows them to assume a higher ranking position with enormous financial benefits. It is evident that endeavoring towards a career as a registered nurse is demanding, but it will absolutely be worthwhile. I am definitely suited to become a registered nurse, as I am a hard-working and compassionate individual, which are characteristics that are imperative to achieve success in nursing. This upcoming fall, I will begin to actualize my goal of becoming a nurse, as I have chosen to attend Wagner Colleges nursing program. After earning a bachelors of science degree in nursing, I hope to someday further my education and become a nurse practitioner. I am certainly aware that it is a major commitment, but I am fully prepared for the challenge and will continue to work diligently to attain my goal. I am completely confident that I will someday be an excellent nurse, but above all, as a registered nurse, I intend to never have to work a day in my life.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Business Proposal to Implement New IT Infastructure Essay -- Papers Bu

Business Proposal to Implement New IT Infastructure 1.0 - INTRODUCTION Welcome to the Information Technology Era! Ever since the Stone Age, Man has begun the quest of improving the efficiency of life. Today, this mission continues and the hottest topic in our company, as a matter of fact, is to unite our business with the Information Technology. Information Technology general means the acquisition, processing, storage, and dissemination of massive information by aid of computers or by telecommunication devices while the processed data can be ranged from vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical, etc. As a result, the company can benefits with high speed and more accurate processing of information for administrative and control purposes. Furthermore, Computers are often grouped into local or wide area network for communication among themselves, for example, the Internet and the Intranet this allows data to be transmitted from one place to another during the course of routine business activities. On the other hand, Information technology does not solely mea ns the use of computers because it is made up of many other components. It includes a variety of processes and techniques which may be as common as databases, word processing, spreadsheets, telecommunications, and electronic mail (e-mail). 1.1 - COMPANY BACKGROUND Established in 1980, Possehl BESI Electronic Hong Kong Limited has been famous in the Electronic industry locally and internationally for its? precision skills and loyalty towards its? customers. Located in Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong, we are currently employing over 600 staffs; they include Management and Administration officers, engineers, technicians, production opera... success. However, this kind of technology changing all over the time and hard to catch up. We must choose the suitable one which can really fit on our business in stead of choosing the one with the highest technology. After detail analysing the business evironment, the above system should be the most fit to our case. The milestone will be set after three months and a deep system report will also be generated. REFERENCE 1. Map and Top Communication (Standards and Application) A.Valenzano * C.Demartini * L.Ciminiera 2. Software Engineering David Alex Lamb 3. The UNIX Operating System Kaare Christian 4. Computers and Information Systems Marvin R.Gore * John W.Stubbe 5. Business System and Information Technology Ron Anderson 6. Local Area Netowrk Design Andrew Hopper * Steven Temple * Robin Williamson

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Why Does Population Density Varies So Much Within The UK?

Population Density is affected by many factors such as the relief, the climate, the vegetation, the soil, the natural resources and water supply.In the UK, population density varies so much as for example, London has a high population density because it has a great relief which includes flat land which will be easy to build infrastructures but Scotland has a poor relief as it has mountains and hills which means it will be difficult to build infrastructures so therefore, less people will want to vive there since there is a sparse amount of infrastructures like hospitals, roads, shops and schools so traveling to these destinations will be long.Factors like economic and social factors also affect the I-J as the economic factor can provide people transport, industrial areas, offices and ports. London has more Jobs than Scotland as it has more tertiary Jobs than primary Jobs which are paid more so this will populate London more as more people will come to London for Jobs.The social actor will attract more people to populate but Scotland has less health care, houses, entertainment, education and tourist attractions than London so therefore, people will want to go to places that contain these as they don't want to be bored. The vegetation factor populates Scotland as there are large grass areas, trees and fallow land which attracts people who like to live In grassy areas with clean air but London doesn't have a lot of vegetation as It Is more urban than Scotland.

Friday, November 8, 2019

marilyn monroe essays

marilyn monroe essays Who is Marilyn Monroe and is she the biggest sex symbol of the twentieth century? Most people remember her as a beautiful woman, who starred in a variety of movies and who had many memorable photos. What they might not know is how she acquired this or how she became as well known as she did. People also do not realize that during her life she became one of the biggest entrepreneurs of her time. She had many difficult times, like anybody endures in life, but she was almost always able to overcome them and triumph in the end. She was very beautiful as a teenager and a lot of different men took an interest in her. This contributed to the reason the Marilyn Monroe was married at such a young age. Her first marriage was to a man named Jim Dougherty, when she was only at the tender age of sixteen. She met Jim through her Aunt . Though Dougherty admits his marriage to Norma Jeane (Marilyn Monroe) was arranged, he said they were happy and very compatible sexually. (Wayne 14 ). Just two years after Jim and Marilyn were married (1942), Jim was sent off to Australia and this is when they realized how much they needed each other. While Jim was away Marilyn worked in a defense plant where she packed and inspected parachutes for the war that was going on in the Pacific. While married to Jim, Marilyn became very sexual and she craved for attention. This is what led her to hang out in bars and become what is known as a call girl. This would give her the attention that she wanted and help her make a little extra money on the side. During this time, Marilyn did not have any idea of what she wanted to do with her life and she did not posses any work skills that could take care of her if something was to happen to her marriage. Which, Marilyn knew that it was going to happen because they were growing apart from each other and the war was to blame for this. While all this was going on in her life, she ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Deccan Plateau in Southern India

The Deccan Plateau in Southern India The Deccan Plateau is an extremely large plateau located in Southern India. The plateau covers a vast majority of the Southern and central parts of the country. The plateau extends over eight separate Indian states, covering a wide range of habitats, and it is one of the longer plateaus in the world. Deccan’s average elevation is around 2,000 feet. The word Deccan comes from the Sanskrit word of ‘Dakshina’, which means south. Location and Characteristics The Deccan Plateau is located in Southern India in-between two mountain ranges: the Western Ghats and the Eastern Ghats. Each rise from their respective coasts and eventually converge to produce a triangle-shaped tableland atop the plateau. The climate on some parts of the plateau, especially the Northern areas, is much drier than that of the nearby coastlands. These areas of the plateau are very arid, and do not see much rain for periods of time. Other areas of the plateau however are more tropical and have distinct, different wet and dry seasons. The river valley areas of the plateau tend to be densely populated, as there is ample access to water and the climate is conducive to living. On the other hand, the dry areas in-between the river valleys are often largely unsettled, as these areas can be too arid and dry. The plateau has three principal rivers: the Godavari, the Krishna, and the Kaveri. These rivers flow from the Western Ghats on the western side of the plateau eastward toward the Bay of Bengal, which is the largest bay in the world. History The history of the Deccan is largely obscure, but it is known to have been an area of conflict for much of its existence with dynasties fighting for control. From the Encyclopedia Britannica: â€Å"The Deccan’s early history is obscure. There is evidence of prehistoric human habitation; low rainfall must have made farming difficult until the introduction of irrigation. The plateau’s mineral wealth led many lowland rulers, including those of the Mauryan (4th–2nd century  bce) and Gupta (4th–6th centuryce) dynasties, to fight over it. From the 6th to the 13th century, the Chalukya, Rastrakuta , Later Chalukya , Hoysala , and Yadava families successively established regional kingdoms in the Deccan, but they were continually in conflict with neighboring states and recalcitrant feudatories. The later kingdoms also were subject to looting raids by the Muslim  Delhi sultanate, which eventually gained control of the area. In 1347 the Muslim BahmanÄ « dynasty established an independent kingdom in the Deccan. The five Muslim states that succeeded the BahmanÄ « and divided its territory joined forces in 1565 at the Battle of Talikota to defeat Vijayanagar, the Hindu empire to the south. For most of their reigns, however, the five successor states formed shifting patterns of alliances in an effort to keep any one state from dominating the area and, from 1656, to fend off incursions by the Mughal Empire to the north. During the Mughal decline in the 18th century, the Marathas, the nizam of   Hyderabad , and the Arcot nawab vied for control of the Deccan. Their rivalries, as well as conflicts over succession, led to the gradual absorption of the Deccan by the British. When India became independent in 1947, the princely state of Hyderabad resisted initially but joined the Indian union in 1948.† The Deccan Traps The northwestern area of the plateau consists of many separate lava flows and igneous rock structures known as the Deccan Traps. This area is one of the largest volcanic provinces in the world.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Violence - Essay Example WHO acknowledges that 1.6million lives are lost worldwide due to violence especially those aged 15 to 44. Physical violence is the most common form of violence though other forms of violence such as rape, stalking. There are various risk factors that can be used to predict the occurrence of violence and preventive measures put in place to curb the crime before it occurs. The prevalence of firearms in the hands of the general public has been blamed for causing violence especially by the youth (Stellman, 1998). The firearms are used in robberies and to cause injuries to others or oneself especially if the handlers are mentally unstable or are aggressive. The firearms are also used as a means to manipulate others to get what they want. The media has also been under fire for its contribution to violence. Most films and TV movies involve violence and the youth become more aggressive by watching such programs. According to Berrios and Grady (1991), people who live with alcohol and drug abu sers are at a risk of violence. For example, 67% of the victims of domestic violence who lived with the batterer, in 48% of the cases the batterer had an alcohol and drug problem.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Business Synoptic (reflective statment) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Synoptic (reflective statment) - Essay Example The learning outcomes are assured in business synoptic module because we get a chance of solving the problems demonstrated in the case study solely depending on our own knowledge gathered through the entire process of learning. Case study is an eminent means of reflecting various theoretical concepts learned through any module in practical situations (Monash University, 2010). The chart below provides a pictorial representation that I followed while solving the case study assignment. Firstly, I developed the methodology and then precisely, I followed those steps for arriving at a result. Most important stage of this methodology was to read the case comprehensively, again and again, so that every critical issue can be understood from the case. As a second stage, I really tried hard to identify the most crucial issues that I needed to handle for solving the case. Based on the issues identified, I formulated my strategy of researching various academic sources relevant in solving. Resear ch process along with understanding of the critical issues in the case helped me to a great extent in forming views about the main problems in the case. Based on the views formulated, reflective analysis has been made by me and concise solution has been presented. During the formulation of views about the case problem, the attendance that I made to the two workshops were of great help, the influence of which I could feel during writing solution to the case study’s questions. During solving the case, I came across a number of theories that I learned during my earlier classes. Here the integration of the knowledge became prominent for me when those were applied in the practical evidences provided in the case. The theories that I used are not many but whichever I have used were relevant to the case situation. The theories are emerging market analysis, performance analysis, corporate level strategy, mainly global strategy and multi-domestic strategy and the theory of management s tructure. Case study analysis provides the best results when sufficient strategic analytical tools are appropriately used in finding the results (Mind Tools, 2011). Figure 1 Answer to Question No: 2 It is evident that case study analysis provides us a wide scope of excelling in our areas of work, be it professional or academic. Through the module, I have developed various skills which I am sure will be beneficial in not only solving problems in my education career but also will help in gaining competitive position in the practical field (Lee & Et. Al., 2009). The following figure depicts the areas in which I have acquired skills through case study analysis. The most important skill that I gathered from the study is that of problem solving ability. The analysis demanded a lot of effort in solving the problems identified from thorough understanding of the case facts. The facts might even be wrong as I am not a perfect analyst but whatever knowledge I have in the area of strategy formu lation, I have applied in solving the problem (Raviv, 2003). The second most important skill that I acquired in the process is that of innovative thinking. Strategy demands innovation-I learnt this line during gathering education in this area and during the process of solution, I understood the real meaning of innovative thinking when I was bound to apply all my traits. This application process generated the

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Finance research project Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Finance project - Research Paper Example To do the analysis about the current situation of the company a ratio analysis has been performed over the 3 years financial data of the companies. The various ratios that have been calculated are Profitability Ratios, Asset utilization Ratios, Liquidity (Solvency) Ratios, Debt Utilization Ratios and Market Value Ratios. We shall now discuss the various ratios in detail. These are the ratios which show the ability of a firm to earn profits (Profitability Ratios, 2010). It helps to calculate the profit earning capability of a company with respect to the sales, assets and other such expenses. The various ratios under this are: This calculates the amount of earnings for a company from every dollar of sales (Peaveler, 2010). This is calculated as net profit divided by the revenue or sales (Profitability Ratios, 2010). The higher the profit margin the better the company and its operations (Profitability Ratios, 2010). This ratio basically calculates the efficiency with which a firm uses its fixed assets to generate profits (Peaveler, 2010). This can be calculated by dividing the net profit by the total amount of fixed assets (Peaveler, 2010). The higher the ROA the better the company and its management are (Profitability Ratios, 2010). This ratio calculates the profit that a company is earning over the investment of shareholders (Peaveler, 2010). This can be calculated by dividing the net profit by the total shareholders equity of the firm (Peaveler, 2010). The higher the ROE the better the company is (Profitability Ratios, 2010). These ratios tell the management how well they have been using their assets to generate sales (NIMS, 2010). They give valuable insight about the internal operations of the firm and thus the management could take the required steps to improve the same. The various ratios have been discussed hereunder: This ratio indicates as

Monday, October 28, 2019

Hamburger and Materials Management Essay Example for Free

Hamburger and Materials Management Essay Resources: Ch. 12 of Introduction to Business. Read the Developing Good Business Sense activity on p. 394 of the text. Answer Questions 1–4 from the activity in a 700- to 1,050-word paper in APA format. Post your paper as an attachment. | The operations of a company consist of three stages. These stages are simple: the input, the operations, and the output stages. The process of the input stage includes raw materials, components, labor and customers. The operations process involves the skills, knowledge, machines, and experts needed to operate the company. As far as the output stage, this involves what we physically use or experience from the company, known as the goods and services (Jones, 2007). Every company, whether it be services such as hair and nails, serving, or patient care, or goods being sold such as jewelry, wholesale businesses, or a corporation like ShopRite or Wal-Mart, they all experience these stages uniquely. Each company runs experiencing input, operations, and output stages, but each stage is handled differently according to what kind of business, what is being offered, and who is running it. The activities that regulate the course of the resources between these particular stages is what we call materials management. Materials management helps operate these stages smoothly and effectively, providing necessities and organization (Jones, 2007). Let’s take a look at three different businesses and how each one handles materials management and the three operational stages. The first company that is going to be observed is Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart is a company that has developed over the years into being a commonly recognized place to get everyday necessities for a great price. The process of operations for a business such as Wal-Mart is simple compared to others. The input stage focuses on what is needed for the company to run, such as, labor and employees, contact with a wholesaler, and more all while keeping the customers in mind. Wal-Mart strives to keep a friendly staff and low prices in order to keep the customer’s best interest and loyalty. The way Wal-Mart would go about doing this is hiring qualified staff and train them to best suit the company, and forming an alliance with suppliers that offer products at low prices. As far as the operations of Wal-Mart, they hire the best suited people with the skills and knowledge of this type of company’s operations. They are equipped with machinery and constantly updating in order to keep up with latest trends. With their input and operations, comes the output stage. This is where the goods and services that Wal-Mart offers is placed into the market for consumers to decide. Mentioned previously, Wal-Mart strives to meet the every need of customers providing a great shopping experience. So far, Wal-Mart is still one of the most successful companies of its kind and doesn’t look like anything is going to change that anytime soon. The second company that was observed is Burger King. Burger King is a fast food restaurant business that has a lot of competition. The slogan, â€Å"Have it Your Way,† has allowed Burger King to make way for success. The operations behind this slogan is a bit more complicated. The input of Burger King consists of associations with suppliers in order to have the best quality possible for a frozen, fast food restaurant. From the supplies of burgers, to fries, milkshakes and salads, Burger King is not going to have a supplier produce outdated food or else that would be horrible materials management. The operations stage of Burger King is figuring out new ways to produce faster and better food and service to its customers while living up to its slogan. Doing this, Burger King would have to make sure everything is up to date and employees are equipped with the skills and knowledge to come up with new innovations to suit the needs of the company. The output stage of Burger King is providing the service fast and efficiently. Making sure that all food is sanitary and delivered quickly. The third company that was observed is St. Joseph’s Hospital. This is a hospital that specializes in critical care and emergencies. The operations of this hospital is crucial because it is not only service, but it holds people’s lives at stake. The input of the hospital would be having ownership of the supplies and relationships with suppliers. This way when it comes to operations stage, the best and most updated equipment is ready for use and can provide the best service possible. Between these two stages, the best and most skilled doctors, nurses, and staff are hired in order to ensure safety and health. As far as the output stage of St. Joseph’s Hospital, the services provided are high-quality service and safety. As we look at these companies, we can see that a lot goes into operations behind the service and goods we receive as consumers. The way a company designs its operating system is crucial for success. The input, operations, and output are only a part of what is contributed. It is the materials management, the flow of how things are ran that really makes or breaks the backbone of a business. The way the systems are designed will give one company an advantage over another. Using materials management effectively and really going into detail about research will give a company more of an advantage than another. It will help a business increase its productivity, innovation, quality, and most importantly, its responsiveness to customers. Not only does the operations come into effect when running a successful business, but costs are a big part as well. Operations and materials management costs, also known as, OMM, consist of many costs pertaining to a company. The main costs of OMM are, raw materials and components, plant, labor, inventory, and distribution (Jones, 2007). These costs affect companies’ operations because each cost if part of the operating system. Without effectively running operations, costs will run a business†¦ out of business. Including costs during the operating process is a crucial way to success. This is all a part of materials management! References Jones, G. R. (2007). Introduction to business: How companies create value for people. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Leaders vs. Managers: Who would I hire? Essay example -- Business Mana

One of my favorite management quotes says â€Å"Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success, leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.† My ideas about leadership and management have been shaped by personal experiences in both the military and private sectors. While there are good and bad leaders in both worlds, the military adds an interesting twist in the requirement to follow the orders of your chain of command and that facets of management are performed at varying steps in that chain. In the military, â€Å"leadership† is imposed as rank is earned. Conversely, in the private sector, leadership is earned or demonstrated in order to achieve â€Å"rank†. I find myself torn between these alternate views of leadership and management as I think of answers to the assigned questions. If I were the CEO of a company, would I hire managers or leaders for my supervisory positions? My answer to this question depends on my company. As the CEO of a start-up company on the cutting edge of my market segment, I would ensure that the majority of my supervisors have the vision and skills necessary to ensure success and future growth opportunities. However, not all functions of the business would require a high level of forward thinking so having managers would also be important. As the book states, having leaders with an entrepreneurial view of the world would be an asset during the development phase of the business but they could become overwhelmed by bureaucracy as the business matures. I think it is important to note that â€Å"leading† is listed as one of the 8 identifiable functions of managers. From a military perspective, as an admiral, I would expect my senior officers to be leaders with an eye on t... ... also results in higher efficiency. Works Cited Babcock-Roberson, M., & Strickland, O. (2010). The Relationship Between Charismatic Leadership, Work Engagement, and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors. Journal of Psychology, 144(3), 313-326. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database. Covey, S. (1990). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. New York: Fireside. Kreitner R. (2009). Management. Canada: Houghton Mifflin Hardcourt. Sterry, T., Reiter-Purtill, J., Gartstein, M., Gerhardt, C., Vannatta, K., & Noll, R. (2010). Temperament and Peer Acceptance: The Mediating Role of Social Behavior. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 56(2), 189-219. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database. Zweig, D. (2010). The Board That Couldn’t Think Straight. Conference Board Review v. 47 no. 1 (Winter 2010) p. 40-7. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Equality vs. Athletics Essay -- Title IX Sports Women Essays

Equality vs. Athletics In 1929, the 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote. This was a breakthrough for America and an enormous step towards equal opportunities for women everywhere. Being given the right to vote created a sense of long awaited and greatly deserved equality with men. Even though women were given the right to vote, over 70 years ago, the government still has to make a law to ensure that equal treatment is given. Title IX was instated in 1972 to provide women with the same athletic opportunities as men in universities across the United States. While Title IX has helped advance female athletics, there are arguments that it has discriminated against male athletics. Attorney Curt Levey makes a drastically bias argument against Title IX in his article, Title IX’s Dark Side: Sports Gender Quotas. The argument focuses on the pressures of upper level schools complying with Title IX’s proportionality rule, the lack of female interest in intercollegiate athletics, and the bit ter cutting of several men’s teams since Title IX was established. Levey, along with many others opposed to Title IX, seem to think the law is slowly destroying male athletics, which was not what it was intended for and definitely is not the case. Title IX was created in order to provide women with equal opportunities in intercollegiate athletics, and that is exactly what it has done so far and what it will continue to do. Levey’s first problem with Title IX and its attempt to increase women’s athletic opportunities, found in paragraph four, is directed towards the proportionality rule (Levey 626). The proportionality rule is one of three options schools are given to comply with Title IX. This requires high schools, colleges, and u... ...een sitting on the bench for years, and now it’s time for men to â€Å"take one for the team.† Work Cited Bestwick, Dick. â€Å"Title IX’s proportionality rule is patently unfair to men.† Athens Banner-Herald. 2 Feb. 2003. 16 Apr. 2003. Levey, Curt. Title IX’s Dark Side: Sports Gender Quotas. Good Reasons with Contemporary Arguments. Needham Heights: Pearson, 2001.626-627. Rpt. in The Humanist. The National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education. Title IX at Thirty: Report Card of Gender Equity. June 2002. The National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education. Title IX Athletics Policies: Issues and Data for Education Decision Makers. Aug 27. 2002. The Secretary of Education’s Commission on Opportunity in Athletics. â€Å"Open to All† Title IX at Thirty. Feb 28. 2003. Equality vs. Athletics Essay -- Title IX Sports Women Essays Equality vs. Athletics In 1929, the 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote. This was a breakthrough for America and an enormous step towards equal opportunities for women everywhere. Being given the right to vote created a sense of long awaited and greatly deserved equality with men. Even though women were given the right to vote, over 70 years ago, the government still has to make a law to ensure that equal treatment is given. Title IX was instated in 1972 to provide women with the same athletic opportunities as men in universities across the United States. While Title IX has helped advance female athletics, there are arguments that it has discriminated against male athletics. Attorney Curt Levey makes a drastically bias argument against Title IX in his article, Title IX’s Dark Side: Sports Gender Quotas. The argument focuses on the pressures of upper level schools complying with Title IX’s proportionality rule, the lack of female interest in intercollegiate athletics, and the bit ter cutting of several men’s teams since Title IX was established. Levey, along with many others opposed to Title IX, seem to think the law is slowly destroying male athletics, which was not what it was intended for and definitely is not the case. Title IX was created in order to provide women with equal opportunities in intercollegiate athletics, and that is exactly what it has done so far and what it will continue to do. Levey’s first problem with Title IX and its attempt to increase women’s athletic opportunities, found in paragraph four, is directed towards the proportionality rule (Levey 626). The proportionality rule is one of three options schools are given to comply with Title IX. This requires high schools, colleges, and u... ...een sitting on the bench for years, and now it’s time for men to â€Å"take one for the team.† Work Cited Bestwick, Dick. â€Å"Title IX’s proportionality rule is patently unfair to men.† Athens Banner-Herald. 2 Feb. 2003. 16 Apr. 2003. Levey, Curt. Title IX’s Dark Side: Sports Gender Quotas. Good Reasons with Contemporary Arguments. Needham Heights: Pearson, 2001.626-627. Rpt. in The Humanist. The National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education. Title IX at Thirty: Report Card of Gender Equity. June 2002. The National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education. Title IX Athletics Policies: Issues and Data for Education Decision Makers. Aug 27. 2002. The Secretary of Education’s Commission on Opportunity in Athletics. â€Å"Open to All† Title IX at Thirty. Feb 28. 2003.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Use of Magic Realism in Chronicle of a Death Foretold

Chronicle of a Death Foretold Chronicle of a Death Foretold is a perfect example of a novel that showcased cultural and contextual elements. The technique that was the most interesting in Garcia Marquez' novel Chronicle of a Death Foretold, was his use of magic realism. One magical element in the book is the use of dreaming. Dreaming is a constant theme throughout the novel. Chronicle of a Death Foretold, presents the reader with characters that have dreams, as these dreams are the primary sources of events that come true.Magical realism is portrayed through dreams which are used in the novel to see the predicted future, as in most cases, the dreams that we are presented with come true. Although dreaming is not something that is seen to be unrealistic, its the way the author provides truth to all dreams. Garcia Marquez allows the characters dreams to come true, which is the true source of unrealism. Another aspects was describing the upbringing of Angela Vicario and her siblings. Wom en are not allowed to get jobs or follow their own dreams; their lives are bounded by tradition and the expectation to get married and have families.A woman's worthiness as a wife was measured by her beauty. In those days, I believe marriage wasn't based on love. Through this book we are engulfed in the Colombian culture that Marquez demonstrates. Another theme we become aware of is honor. Chronicle of a Death Foretold consists of many different themes that can be recognized by the reader. It was interesting when Raza brought up â€Å"Machismo†. Machismo is a strong or exaggerated sense of manliness, sense of power, or the right to dominate. This theme in turn can be related to the theme of moral responsibility.In this novel the power to dominate is aimed towards women. Machismo, throughout the book is exaggerated to show the dominance of the male sex, and I believe the author felt that the sense of having a dominant sex, is purely based on culture, because in those times, wo men were considered to be inferior to men. Women were looked at as possessions. Knowing that women were forever to just get married, Marquez shows rebellion of the opposite sex by Angela Vicario showcasing her independence and breaking the barrier of the life she HAD to live, by not being a virgin.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Odyssey essays

The Odyssey essays 1) The setting of the story was in Greece and the year was about 1000 b.c or around that time. I am not exactly sure but I no its along time ago since they have simple technologies. 2) The main character in this story is Odysseus. His son and wife are also important characters as well. And the lead guy who wants to marry Odysseus wife. He was always telling the other guys what to do and he was the one he kept on winning all the battles and contest they held in the courtyard of Odysseus house. 3) The minor characters in the story were all the men who wanted to marry the wife of Odysseys and all of Odysseys warriors. Poseidon, the god of the ocean, was also kind of a minor. 4) Odysseus had a whole mess of problems going on in the story. But his main one was getting back home to his wife. He had got Poseidon, the god of the sea, angry with him and couldnt return home. He had to go through many encounters with other gods and goddesss just to make it to the next island. And before he knew it his ship and all his men were destroyed. Eventually he drifted to an island that had heard about him and gave him a ship and men to get him home safely to his wife in Ithaca. His solution is coming back home to his wife and son. But he had to kill all the men who wanted to kill him if he were ever to return. All the men who wanted to marry Odysseus wife were planning on killing his son and Odysseus. So Odysseus and his son killed all the men and they lived happily ever after. 5) The thing I liked most about the movie is all the adventures that Odysseus got into. He was always killing something or meeting attractive women. Odysseus is my kind of cool guy. And plus he killed like 40 people just for trying to get with his woman. Thats just to cool. And plus how he did it to. He barely even moved and they were running around throwing stuff at him. And how he used that disguise to get passed all of ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Factors affecting health and well being essays

Factors affecting health and well being essays The health status of a particular group or community is dependant upon many factors. In the main, you can think of different communities as being of different social classes. A persons social status is almost directly related to that persons health and the social group that you belong to will have a potential affect on your health and life chances. The types of social groups in the community vary from the very top class to the lowest. If we take geographical location , for example, in Britain you would expect people with the highest income to be situated toward the south, south east area due to their being higher wages and more employment. The financial position of a group in a community will have an effect on peoples life chances. In the north of England, a place like Blackburn in some districts, can have lower social class communities made up of low skilled or unskilled people and therefore have high levels of poverty, deprivation with poor, damp housing e.g. old high rise flats with illness related to these damp conditions. On the other hand, other districts, with higher social class families will have a better standard of living with quality housing, parks and better access to leisure facilities and supermarkets which in turn will give them a better health status. Financial position will also affect the level of healt h care people receive. A wealthy person may adopt to paying for more intense, private care like BUPA hospital care for example. The location of groups in a community will render whether or not peoples quality and access to good health care service is available. In certain areas of the country, access to treatment and services may be more readily available compared to others. This boils down to the provision of services and allocation of funds by the government. The prioritisation of funding towards services in certain areas will mean that not everyone will receive the same standard ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Rosalynn Carter Quotes

Rosalynn Carter Quotes Rosalynn Carter, US First Lady 1977-1981, was an active campaigner for her husband, and an advisor and consultant to him. She managed the family business during much of his political career. Her focus as First Lady was mental health reform. Selected Rosalynn Carter Quotations Do what you can to show you care about other people, and you will make our world a better place. If you doubt you can accomplish something, then you cant accomplish it. You have to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through. A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they dont necessarily want to go, but ought to be. Times of upheaval require not just more leadership but more leaders. People at all organizational levels, whether anointed or self-appointed, must be empowered to share leadership responsibilities. There is clearly much left to be done, and whatever else we are going to do, we had better get on with it. I think I am the person closest to the President of the United States, and if I can help him understand the countries of the world, then thats what I intend to do. I had already learned from more than a decade of political life that I was going to be criticized no matter what I did, so I might as well be criticized for something I wanted to do. Jimmy will let me assume as much responsibility as I will.... Jimmy has always said that we the children and myself can do anything. Jimmys sister Ruth was my best friend and she had a picture of him on the wall in her bedroom. I just thought he was the most handsome young man Id ever seen. One day I confessed to her that I wished she let me take that photograph home. Because I just thought I had fallen in love with Jimmy Carter. (About her husbands naval service when he was away at sea) I learned to be very independent. I could take care of myself and the baby and do things that I never dreamed I would be able to do alone. (About her role in the familys peanut and warehouse business) He asked me to come and keep the office. And I had a friend who had taught an accounting course in the vocational technical school and she gave me a set of accounting books. I began to study accounting. I began to keep the books. And it was not too long before I knew actually as much or more about the business on paper than he did. There was no way I could understand our defeat. I had to grieve over our loss before I could look to the future. Where could our lives possibly be as meaningful as they might have been in the White House? If we have not achieved our early dreams, we must either find new ones or see what we can salvage from the old. If we have accomplished what we set out to do in our youth, we need not weep like Alexander the Great that we have no more worlds to conquer. You must accept that you might fail; then, if you do your best and still dont win, at least you can be satisfied that youve tried. If you dont accept failure as a possibility, you dont set high goals, and you dont branch out, you dont try you dont take the risk. Dont worry about polls, but if you do, dont admit it. Informed journalists can have a significant impact on public understanding of mental health issues, as they shape debate and trends with the words and pictures they convey.... They influence their peers and stimulate discussion among the general public, and an informed public can reduce stigma and discrimination. There is nothing more important than a good, safe, secure home. (President Jimmy Carter about Rosalynn Carter) Theres very seldom a decision that I make that I dont discuss with either to tell her after the fact what Ive done, or, very frequently, to tell her my options and seek her advice.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Chronic Illness and Palliative Care. Master Nursing Essay

Chronic Illness and Palliative Care. Master Nursing - Essay Example The discussion in this paper will be based on the principles of care of a patient with a chronic illness which is asthma in attempts to explore three main concepts, living with asthma and patients quality of life; the client's empowerment through self-management care and the continuity of care in a multidisciplinary team approach with a palliative care setting. According to the definition provided by the World Health Organization (1990), "Palliative care is the active total care of patients whose disease is not responsive to curative treatment. Control of pain or other symptoms and psychological, social and spiritual problems in this context are of paramount importance" (pp. 804). Regarding shared values and ethics in palliative care, ethike is a Greek word from which the word ethics is derived. Ethos is a value which one has and consistently applies to one's life. Within the palliative care setting, there are three aspects of patient care that need special attention: the realms of t he palliative care patient; the realm of the palliative care nurse; and the realm of the palliative care team. ... Scott was diagnosed with asthma at age of six years. There are some factors such as dairy products; shellfish; electrical storms and dairy dust that trigger his asthma attacks. Scott is married, but his wife left him three months ago and his condition gets worse and the house does not have the same standard as before. In his effort to find alleviation of the symptoms of asthma, Scott attends his 45 to 49 year old health assessment for the first time. The Patient's Diagnosis Scott was diagnosed with asthma at age of six years. His asthma is a chronic condition. Recently, Scott is complaining of bad asthma attack which stopped him to attend his work as usual. Additionally, Scott has psoriasis and the history of having it is unknown. However, the nurse practitioner should conduct a thorough health assessment in order to gain furthers details about the diagnosis of both disease, treatment, and the way of self management that is followed by Scott in order to control over his condition. Me asuring the severity level of asthma is determined by the physician by asking the client to have a lung function test (LFT), which a breathing test that identify whether the person is having asthma and its severity. Another test that can be done easily by the patient is spirometry, which is an instrument that is considered to be the most accurate test to determine asthma (Department of Health and Aging, 2010b). Living With Asthma Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways and lung. It is characterized by wheezing, coughing, chest tightness and shortness of breath. There are some of the risk factors that contribute to trigger asthma attack such as colds and flu, air

Friday, October 18, 2019

Enlightment Vs. Romanticism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Enlightment Vs. Romanticism - Essay Example Although they pass common knowledge to the human beings, they differ in their opinions. Keats believes that beauty is a concept that conquers everything in life. He argues that it is good for the authors to argue their opinions based on reality and the reality he emphasizes is the nature and romanticism. He argues that authors should not categorize the earth into different knowledge as he believes that knowledge is just one. On the other hand, Kant emphasizes of reasoning by saying that the world composes different knowledge. This is the primary tool for getting the reality of enlightenment from the society. According to Kant, enlightenment means the release of a man from his self-tutelage. This is where a person is not able to make his own decisions without the influence of other people. Kant therefore, encourages people to think and reason He considers the traditional philosophers as people who could not reason to bring reality into the world. Through his poetry, he thus hopes to end the age where things are speculated without using the reasoning and thinking capabilities. Kant used his poetry to define the enlightenment as a situation where men are released from their self- incurred tutelage and having the courage to reason and air out one’s opinions on a particular issue. Through the poetry, Kant enlightens people on the nature and the reality (Kant, 23). His poetry is very crucial in the society where reasoning is valued as the primary driver of one’s life. He analyzes the previous philosophers as people who could not reason because they were coward. He argues that their coward behavior made them remain unenlightened in the society for quite a lot of time. Furthermore, he says that people in the society are too lazy that they cannot even reason. The people’s laziness has made them not to think and reason beyond the box. The poet is thus important to the society as through his poetry; people become enlightened. People

Teeth Erosion Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Teeth Erosion - Lab Report Example This report discusses the erosion of teeth that has occurred due to the sustained effect of tea and herbal tea. Erosion in Teeth-Effects of Tea and Coffee Though there are a host of chemical factors, biological factors and other factors related to oral hygiene, this report shall focus on the erosion of teeth due to behavioural factors. These behavioural factors include unhealthy eating and drinking habits and high consumption of acidic foods, tea and coffee. It has been noted that there are certain brands of herbal teas containing rose hip and lemon that have pH values in the range of 2.6-3.9. Since pH of 7 is considered to be neutral i.e neither acidic nor basic, a pH of 2.6 throws up several challenges as more the time this fluid is in contact with the teeth, the chances of erosion are higher. It has to be noted that during remineralisation cycles Fluoride present in our teeth, forms fluorapatite. (Adrian Lussi, 2006) However interaction of this layer with acidic food products caus es it to dissolve leaving the tooth surface open to erosion. Erosion of teeth due to coffee on the other hand is because of generation of gastric juice which finds its way into the mouth. (L. Shaw & A.J. Smith, Feb 1998) Gastro-Oesophageal reflux (GOR) is backward movement of acid generated in stomach beyond the lower oesophageal upto the mouth. The pH value is higher than the acids caused due to tea and hence the teeth erosion is more profound. The content is high in hydrochloric acid and causes thinning of the enamel. Later as this spreads the molar and premolar teeth are also affected. Symptoms that indicate whether a person is suffering from GORD include continuous burning sensation close to the heart area and regurgitation or the feeling of throwing up. (Adrian Lussi, 2006) Some samples of teeth images that have been subject to excessive herbal tea and coffee are listed below to make a comparative study. Source: Adult teeth sample exposed to herbal tea at 100Â µm, Lab Images S ource: Adult teeth sample exposed to coffee at 100Â µm, Lab Images Source: Adult teeth sample exposed to herbal tea at 2Â µm, Lab images Source: Adult teeth sample exposed to coffee at 2Â µm, Lab images The comparison of the erosion of the teeth to both tea and coffee in the images for the 100Â µm range offers the following facts 1. The lower pH and hence the more gastric acid generating coffee has shown a wider degree of tooth erosion compare to herbal tea. Source: Baby teeth sample exposed to coffee at 2Â µm, Lab images 2. The figures have been split into 2 sections; those taken ay 100Â µm and those at 2Â µm. The images for 100Â µm show that the teeth exposed to coffee have a fish scale like appearance and heavy duty cracking with enamel layers almost peeling off. Severe presence of cracks is also noticed on the surface. The teeth exposed to herbal tea also show deterioration with the surface witnessing rough scaly discontinuities. 3. More magnification in the 2Â µm show that compared to the teeth exposed to herbal tea, the coffee exposed teeth had severe degree of pitting across its surface. 4. The baby tooth that has been exposed to coffee does not show significant erosion but the beginning of surface layer peeling has begun. Also if one were to compare the images at 2Â µm for the adult and baby, the former shows a significant amount of pitting that has taken place on its surface in addition to

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Exam essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Exam - Essay Example Family owned businesses tend to feel that the business environment around them is not secure enough for them to venture into the unknown (Cromie et al. 1995, p.11). Lyman Orchards is an example of such a family owned business venture which, despite having existed for more than two hundred years and been run by multiple generations of the Lyman family, it has not been able to grow into a multinational conglomerate as has been the case with non-family businesses such as McDonald’s and Target. Moreover, unlike non-family businesses, family businesses do not rely on formal planning and instead, their management systems are based on less formal control as well as fewer incentives. The informal nature of such businesses is often based on their being wholly owned and managed by members of the same family and these do not need personal incentives to work in the business because they work for themselves. In family businesses such as Toyota and Samsung, members of their founding families have been active members since they were founded and this has been as a result of the long tradition as well as personal interest that has been established over the years. When it comes to finance, non-family firms have the advantage because they can easily gain finances through making offers at the stock market (Coleman and Carsky 1999, p.73). This is not the case with family firms, which if the owners do not have ready finances to invest in the business might bring about financial ruin. Therefore, while family owned businesses are more likely than not to achieve greater profitability than non-family businesses, the latter have an advantage because they achieve higher growth levels. A family business such as the Trump Organization faced some financial problems in its history as a result of being internally financed by the owners and such a scenario becomes extremely

Process eassy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Process eassy - Essay Example This process essay discusses how to go about doing an interview for the students in modern times. Students have to appear in a number of different interviews every now and then so that they can get the desired job that they have so long yearned for. Their craving is there and hence it leads to an interview session with the prospective employer. All the potentials as well as weaknesses of the concerned interviewee are under total scrutiny and hence it is his duty to ensure that he does not succumb under pressure and a sense of tension which is so very related with the interview sessions and thus come out clean and clear about what the future of the company as well as his own self holds. Interview is something that has to be done in a total resolute manner where the person who is conducting the interview gets to know the prospective employee in a light vein and the interviewer judges this individual inside out so that he could be chosen for the post for which he has been called for. The pre-interview evaluation starts when the interviewee receives a call from the company representative. It is important for this person to converse with him in a good tone as nobody knows it might be the company’s boss speaking to the prospective employee and hiding his identity behind an ordinary worker in the office place. Respect and dignity are the keywords here, which must be given to the person who is taking the effort to call the person for the process of interview and thus a sense of cordiality must be established between the two. There is a new trend developing in the recruiting of high-tech employees. (Zimbleman, 2005) Due to the competitive nature of the business, companies are looking for new ways to recruit individuals that not only have the business and technical knowledge required to perform a specific job, but they are also looking for candidates that fit well into the corporate culture of the