Thursday, December 5, 2019

Product Supply chain of Amcor Limited †

Question: Discuss about the Product Supply chain of Amcor Limited. Answer: Introduction The main discourse of the study aims to explain the stages of the product supply chain of Amcor Limited from procurement of the raw materials until it arrives to the consumer. The main process of the company is related to the recent purchase of the raw materials required for packaging. The discourse of the study also explains the relationship among the suppliers, customers and the level of inventory where it is held. The explanation of the problems and the suggestions are seen to be taken into consideration as per the improvement which can be made in the supply chain (Jacobs, Chase and Lummus 2014). Company overview, product overview, major competitors Amcor Limited is responsible for developing and producing high quality packaging products for variety of food, beverage, pharmaceutical, medical-device, home and personal-care and other products. Henceforth, the main produce of the company is discerned with packaging material. Some of the main form of the competitors of the company is determined as Georgia-Pacific LLC and Silgan Holdings Inc. (Christopher 2016). Stages of the product supply chain The first stage of product supply chain is acknowledged with planning of the appropriate operations strategy. Secondly, the company sources the components and the Raw materials at the best possible price, in the right quality and at the right time. The third stage is considered with scheduling of the production activities, testing of the products, packing and release. The company is also considered to manage the rules for the performance, storing of the data and maintaining the regulatory compliance. The fourth stage involves delivering the processes to the customers and making the necessary enquiries to select the distribution and the transportation strategy. The fifth stage relates to manage the returns for the defective products. Some of the other considerations needs to include recognizing the product condition, sanctioning returns, scheduling product shipments, replacing defective products and making provision for refunds (Hugos 2018). The relationship between suppliers and customers The customer supplier relationship is considered with product quality, services, handling and making complaints. In terms of the customers viewpoint the relationship is based on timely payments, flexibility, personalization of the relationship and sharing of information. The customer supplier relationship is understood with great importance in quality management across organizations which needs to be maintained in all the levels of supply chain. The inventory level is held for this consideration which is based on Second Stage which related to Inventory Planning. Explanation of any problems and suggestions for further improvements The key challenge for the company in inferred in terms of the supply chain along with the globalization aspect. This problem needs to be addressed with reducing the cost across the supply chain and lowering the labour costs, lowering taxes and overall cost of the raw materials. The changing market environment put forward with technology is considered as another challenge. This needs to be resolved by maintaining an agile supply chain responded with the spikes and dips in demand and production needs (Stadtler 2015). Conclusion The important assertions as per stages of the product supply chain of the company is well-thought-out with the data needed for planning, sourcing, scheduling, delivering and making provisions for the returns. The relationship between suppliers and customers is measured with various aspects such as product quality, services, handling and making complaints. The most evident challenge is based on globalisation and changes in the technology. References Christopher, M., 2016.Logistics supply chain management. Pearson UK. Hugos, M.H., 2018.Essentials of supply chain management. John Wiley Sons. Jacobs, F.R., Chase, R.B. and Lummus, R.R., 2014. Operations and supply chain management (pp. 533-535). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Stadtler, H., 2015. Supply chain management: An overview. InSupply chain management and advanced planning(pp. 3-28). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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