Saturday, December 21, 2019

Similarities Between Confucianism And Christianity

COMPARE AND CONTRAST Essay Outline A Contrast of Confucianism and Christianity Thesis: Chinese Confucianism and Roman Christianity are similar in both set key principles adopted by governments and both were created by leaders who taught by lesson yet different in that Confucianism was promoted by the government whereas political leaders in Rome strongly opposed Christianity. Topic Sentence: Confucianism and Christianity are similar in that both set lasting principles that influenced their governments, Confucianism with central principles and an overall message interpreted many different ways, Christianity through unification of the later Roman Empire and a moral duty to take care of fellow men. Topic A: Confucianism’s influence Traditions Encounters: Chapter 8, page 185: â€Å"Confucius emphasized personal qualities like ren, li, and xiao because he believed that individuals who possessed those traits would gain influence in the larger society...only through enlightened leadership by morally strong individuals was there any hope for the restoration of political and social order in China† This quote demonstrates the main three principles that Confucianism was based upon are what Confucius believed would better society. These principles would create a stronger government, leading to better policies, and a stronger sense of unity in the people. Traditions Encounters: Chapter 8, page 185: â€Å"Because Confucius expressed his thoughts in general terms, later disciples could adaptShow MoreRelatedSimilarities And Differences Between Confucianism And Christianity1425 Words   |  6 PagesSometimes, life provides us with a challenge of either conforming to two ideologies or forgoing one and upholding the other. Being able to be both a Confucian and a Christian depends on how one weighs the similarities and differences of either part. It is well-acknowledged that both Confucianism and Christianity are significant. Their teachings have aided to form the value systems of Eastern and Western and cultures, which have navigated millions of people in behavior, spirit, mind, behavior, and relationshipsRead MoreConfucianism And Its Impact On Religion1208 Words   |  5 Pagesreligions that I am going to emphasis: Confucianism and Christianity. There are many factor to cover; the aspects about each religion, the similarities, and the differences between both. Each religion has a different way to develop and beliefs. First of all, there are many important aspects about Confucianism. In china, Confucianism is most emphases in moralism and ruling with people together with their education system. In a brief definition, Confucianism is the universe in whole under the heavenRead MoreWork of the Christian Missionaries: Converting China to Christianity1392 Words   |  6 PagesThe Christian missionaries knew it wasn’t going to be easy. Going to China at the time was a one way trip to an unknown land. The task of converting China to Christianity was rife with challenges due to continued resistance to any sort of outside influence that was a tradition of China for many years. Never-the-less the missionaries still went to China and by leveraging what advantages they could find, they were able to find some measure of success over the years. One of the men who made so muchRead MoreSimilarities Between Imperial Rome And Han China938 Words   |  4 PagesRepublic. Another big similarity in these two EMpires was that they achieved great architectural achievements. The two empires in many ways were also different. One of the things that they differed in was their religion but their religion wasn’t always so different. In early Imperial Rome, their main religion was called socialism. While on the other hand, the Han Dynasty’s main religion was Confucianism. Later on in Imperial Rome their main religion changed from Statism to Christianity in which I willRead MoreBuddhism : The Popularity Of Buddhism1306 Words   |  6 Pagesroughly 244 millions of practitioners in China, which is equivalent to 3.5% of the world population (â€Å"The Global Religious Landscape†). Since Buddhism’s core values and principles are highly correlated to two ancient Chinese religions: Daoism and Confucianism, Buddhism co ntinues to gain popularity and flourish in China. In fact, Buddhism originated from India, and the founder of Buddhism was a prince from a North Indian tribe who lived in the era of 500 B.C. when Confucius lived in China (â€Å"BuddhismRead MoreChristianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, And Confucianism1472 Words   |  6 Pagesyou look at it in the right fashion†, to â€Å"exactly alike†. In any case, there are many examples, and counterexamples of universal ideas between the â€Å"main† seven religions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism, which will be explored in the remainder of this essay. Arguments could be made on how all religions share a similarity. For example, all religions were persecuted by outsiders at some point. Perhaps the most dramatic example of this was the mass genocideRead MoreComparison of Jesus and Confucius1005 Words   |  5 Pagescountry but of half of the world. Their names are very well known and influential even in modern world. These names belong to a Chinese philosopher Confucius and Jewish religious leader Jesus Christ. The two religions they founded are Confucianism and Christianity. Even though these religions dominated in very distant from each other parts of the World, many concepts of these religions may seem strangely alike. Both Confucius’ and Christ’s teachings pursue transcendence within humans and peace withRead MoreChristianity And Confucianism : Confucianism2203 Words   |  9 PagesChristianity and Confucianism Christianity and Confucianism are important religions today at least according to the Chinese. As a result, the rising influence brought about by Confucianism in China tends to trigger conflicts between the two religions. The Chinese society is greatly influenced by Confucianism, which has a considerable impact on Christianity as a religion in China. The modes of thinking associated with Confucianism are evident in the Chinese Christianity, but Confucianism ideasRead MorePersonal Statement On Personal Religion1522 Words   |  7 PagesOrthodox, Conservative, and Reform. They celebrate the past, present, and have hopes for the future. One of the noticeable differences between Catholicism and Judaism is that, Jewish people do not celebrate Christmas and Easter. Even though I have seen some of them celebrate Christmas for the children’s sake. They celebrate Hanukkah. The similarity between Christianity and Judaism is that they also believe in Heaven and in hell. The Jews believe in the 13 principles of faith, a list of their beliefsRead MoreChristianity, Buddhism, And Confucianism872 Words   |  4 Pagesindependently search for their own unique perspective of truth and what is good. Though there are many different thoughts and explanations about how to live, there is some common ground between them. Throughout the year 600 B.C.E. to the year 600 C.E. the ideas of religion such as Christianity, Buddhism, and Confucianism and philosophy like those of Plato, Laozi, and Socrates. From 600 B.C.E. to 600 B.C. religions began to impact the traditions and attitudes in Europe and Asia resulting in multiple

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