Thursday, October 17, 2019

Process eassy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Process eassy - Essay Example This process essay discusses how to go about doing an interview for the students in modern times. Students have to appear in a number of different interviews every now and then so that they can get the desired job that they have so long yearned for. Their craving is there and hence it leads to an interview session with the prospective employer. All the potentials as well as weaknesses of the concerned interviewee are under total scrutiny and hence it is his duty to ensure that he does not succumb under pressure and a sense of tension which is so very related with the interview sessions and thus come out clean and clear about what the future of the company as well as his own self holds. Interview is something that has to be done in a total resolute manner where the person who is conducting the interview gets to know the prospective employee in a light vein and the interviewer judges this individual inside out so that he could be chosen for the post for which he has been called for. The pre-interview evaluation starts when the interviewee receives a call from the company representative. It is important for this person to converse with him in a good tone as nobody knows it might be the company’s boss speaking to the prospective employee and hiding his identity behind an ordinary worker in the office place. Respect and dignity are the keywords here, which must be given to the person who is taking the effort to call the person for the process of interview and thus a sense of cordiality must be established between the two. There is a new trend developing in the recruiting of high-tech employees. (Zimbleman, 2005) Due to the competitive nature of the business, companies are looking for new ways to recruit individuals that not only have the business and technical knowledge required to perform a specific job, but they are also looking for candidates that fit well into the corporate culture of the

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