Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Family - Original Writing - 914 Words

I was raised in Jellico, Tennessee, a quaint town bordering Kentucky with my parents, and three older sisters. My family was extremely religious up until I was nearly a teenager. My family attended church every week, in addition to leading the church youth group. One would be under the impression that the Hughes family was an exceedingly wholesome family that did little wrong, I was under this impression also. Being a white family in an old-fashioned town in both the south and the bible belt, this was not completely accurate. When I was still a young child, no older than ten, my paternal uncle taught myself and my youngest sister a derogatory noun that referenced to those descending from Africa. My sister and I, being children that had not learned right from wrong, repeated this word. I quickly realized that I was not scolded by my parents or older siblings for using this word, as I was for saying less harmful words such as â€Å"crap,† â€Å"fool,† â€Å"darn,† and â€Å"jerk.† Due to this, I was under the impression for multiple years that this word was inoffensive to any person. Soon I learned that this word was suitable for both home and school. Multiple classmates used the word often, and teachers either never noticed, or simply overlooked it. Ten years later, I am completely aware, no thanks to my family, that that word is unacceptable, and should never be repeated by a Caucasian person. Parents are not always aware of what is truly right for their children when it comes to how to treatShow MoreRelatedMy Family - Original Writing963 Words   |  4 PagesWhere was I expected to go now that my father no longer wanted me living in his house? I remember asking myself this question over and over. I had just been dropped off, back in my home town, at my grandparent’s house after a long and excruciatingly quiet car ride. I had sat in the backseat of my father’s SUV, not a single word spoken between us. The entire time all I had to think about was where I would go once we arrive at our destination. I can’t stay with my grandparent’s for the next two yearsRead MoreMy Family - Original Writing Essay1521 Words   |  7 PagesWhen I was younger, my mom would rent out our basement room to single people she would work with in the military. I personally loved it because it meant that there were more people around I could harass into playing with me. However, I was always confused when I would hear my grandparents berate my mother for letting â€Å"those people† into our home. I remained confused, until I asked my mother what they meant, and why they were so angry. She described to me how â€Å"old fashioned† my grandparents were andRead MoreMy Family - Original Writing966 Words   |  4 PagesI lived there for twelve years, it was all I ever knew. My parents got divorced right after I was born and I lived with my mom and my two sisters. My mom was tall and skinny with tan sk in, dark brown eyes and long brown hair. I felt like I never really knew her growing up though because she worked often. I was always left with my two sisters and occasionally with one of my mom’s many boyfriends. I was the youngest of my sisters. Eventually my mom found a decent man. His name was Steve and he was tallRead MoreMy Family - Original Writing1477 Words   |  6 Pagesneighbours were also my mum’s mum and her sister, a whole heap of my extended family were there. This included my cousins Grace and Mark, their parents, a few distant family members, and some I hadn’t even met before. Even though the house was overcrowded, I had a lot of fun. Soon it was getting late, and the adults were starting to get tipsy. Me, my sister, and my other cousins headed back to my house where we played with fake blood and makeup in our confined, second floor bathroom. My sister Ruby,Read MoreMy Family - Original Writing Essay1131 Words   |  5 Pagesin the morning. I stood in the doorway of my parent’s bedroom watching my parents crying their eyes out while yelling at my sister. How could this happen to you? Why did you want to do this? Why did I get a call from the cops at two in the morning saying that you were thinking about killing yourself, my mom yells, fiercely shaking in fear. I hate my life, my sister screams back at them practically swimming in her own tears. By this point, both of my brothers have awoken and are now standing alongsideRead MoreMy Family - Original Writing1016 Words   |  5 Pagesgrew up raised on religion, that’s all my family ever talked about; â€Å"What would the Lord want?† I loved having rules to live by and knowing that someone was watching over me. I brought religion to my own family. My wife and son, they knew how important religion was to me. It’s ironic how religion, the thing I loved so much, led me to this†¦ jail. I started hearing the voice a few months before I became trapped in this cell. The voice would ask me about my faith and told me that I had an importantRead MoreMy Family - Original Writing994 Words   |  4 PagesCalifornia with my parents, two brothers and one sister. My family was very close to each other, my neighbors were my three cousins. We were always outside playing soccer and told each other scary stories to see who was the scary cat of us all. Ever morning we walked to school with our ziplock bags with cereal and milk. Being just a little kid it never came to mind being apart from my cousins. Los Angeles is a very crowded ,fast living place to live in, and extremely expensive in cost of living. My motherRead MoreMy Family Vacation - Original Writing1935 Words   |  8 PagesAs families go, mine was what I thought of as normal – whatever normal may mean. We always took our summer family vacations in Durness in the Northwestern Highlands of Scotland. My Seanmh air, Skye Sutherland on my father’s side lived in a converted crofter cottage on the edge of the cliffs above the sea. The cottage is made of the same stone as the low walls near the cottage. I always loved going back each year to my father’s childhood home. The Highlands of Scotland were more than just theRead MoreMy First Family Reunion - Original Writing853 Words   |  4 Pagesperfect family photo, they imagine a family with fancy clothing, a bright sunny day, green grass and faces that have been enhanced. When my family takes photos they are not quite that picture perfect family that’s advertise but a family that goes deeper than perfection. I come from a fairly large family with five sisters, one brother and that includes my parents four grandchildren and one son-in-law. My sisters are in the middle row off to the left side, my brothers hand is wrapped around my motherRead More what i do when i write Essay727 Words   |  3 Pageswhen i write nbsp; nbsp; What I do when I write depends entirely on what Im writing, who Im writing for, and how soon it needs to be done. I have somewhat of a different approach to writing when the piece is for an assignment versus a work of original fiction. I prepare, pre-write, and proofread differently. However, some things remain the same. I still try to get the same amount of feedback from my peers, still put forth the same effort. Whether the work is for pleasure or for a grade

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