Sunday, May 17, 2020

Descriptive Essay The Beach - 975 Words

When Charlie asked me to go out diving with her, I just had to say yes. I mean, the beach is a great spot on a busy day, and I knew she had a few more spots out on the water. She’d said once that she found her necklaces underwater, and how she sometimes got tangled up in nets or shot at by jealous corporate scrap-pickers. She had this little boat that she’d take out. She said we could go out together. I didn’t know a lick about diving, but she didn’t need to know that. I met her on the sandy part of the beach, when there was just enough drizzle to drive away any potential swimmers. She had these big earrings in, rubies or garnets or something set in silver. She winked. â€Å"Got these from a shipwreck. Didn’t even explore the whole†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Nope. Picked up something new.† I put the mask on before Charlie could see the glints of fear in my eyes. â€Å"Just the mask?† She had hers on too, and she was holding a big duffle bag strapped across her chest. â€Å"Flippers too.† She tossed me a pair. â€Å"You’ve got a suit on already, and this isn’t too deep.† I had to get the flippers on without her help. She was already done with one. â€Å"Don’t we need gas tanks?† â€Å"Not with these.† Her flippers were on. â€Å"New tech. They’re the models that got released last month. Frees up a lot of space.† She tossed me a duffle. â€Å"Let’s go.† By the time I’d figured out the straps on the flippers, she was already in the water. The rain was picking up, and there was a clatter of thunder as I dove in. The mask had a lamp, and I flicked it on. The water was an inky black if I looked more than a few feet away. Charlie waved me over, tapped her lamp, and swam deeper. I hurried to keep up. She was barely lit, and she swam deeper like a dropped stone. When I lost sight of her, I bit my lip and realized these masks ha d no radio. I could hear the rain slapping the surface of the water and I kept swimming down. It got louder, louder, and I saw sand lit up by my lamp. As my hand touched the bottom, I felt the water ripple. I spun around, but Charlie wasn’t tapping my shoulder. Instead, her back was curled, and she was still. The water was tainted reddish. When IShow MoreRelatedThe Beach Descriptive Essay916 Words   |  4 PagesFor I was trapped in darkness. Yesterday, I was filled with weakness *** For all my life, I have felt as if I had been roaming along the calm powdery sands of Mystery Beach lined with rows of sculptures. I once could see each fine detail– a shallow curve of dimmed skin or an explicit crinkle on the face. At the centre of the beach was a sculpture of my mother and I. 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