Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Finance research project Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Finance project - Research Paper Example To do the analysis about the current situation of the company a ratio analysis has been performed over the 3 years financial data of the companies. The various ratios that have been calculated are Profitability Ratios, Asset utilization Ratios, Liquidity (Solvency) Ratios, Debt Utilization Ratios and Market Value Ratios. We shall now discuss the various ratios in detail. These are the ratios which show the ability of a firm to earn profits (Profitability Ratios, 2010). It helps to calculate the profit earning capability of a company with respect to the sales, assets and other such expenses. The various ratios under this are: This calculates the amount of earnings for a company from every dollar of sales (Peaveler, 2010). This is calculated as net profit divided by the revenue or sales (Profitability Ratios, 2010). The higher the profit margin the better the company and its operations (Profitability Ratios, 2010). This ratio basically calculates the efficiency with which a firm uses its fixed assets to generate profits (Peaveler, 2010). This can be calculated by dividing the net profit by the total amount of fixed assets (Peaveler, 2010). The higher the ROA the better the company and its management are (Profitability Ratios, 2010). This ratio calculates the profit that a company is earning over the investment of shareholders (Peaveler, 2010). This can be calculated by dividing the net profit by the total shareholders equity of the firm (Peaveler, 2010). The higher the ROE the better the company is (Profitability Ratios, 2010). These ratios tell the management how well they have been using their assets to generate sales (NIMS, 2010). They give valuable insight about the internal operations of the firm and thus the management could take the required steps to improve the same. The various ratios have been discussed hereunder: This ratio indicates as

Monday, October 28, 2019

Hamburger and Materials Management Essay Example for Free

Hamburger and Materials Management Essay Resources: Ch. 12 of Introduction to Business. Read the Developing Good Business Sense activity on p. 394 of the text. Answer Questions 1–4 from the activity in a 700- to 1,050-word paper in APA format. Post your paper as an attachment. | The operations of a company consist of three stages. These stages are simple: the input, the operations, and the output stages. The process of the input stage includes raw materials, components, labor and customers. The operations process involves the skills, knowledge, machines, and experts needed to operate the company. As far as the output stage, this involves what we physically use or experience from the company, known as the goods and services (Jones, 2007). Every company, whether it be services such as hair and nails, serving, or patient care, or goods being sold such as jewelry, wholesale businesses, or a corporation like ShopRite or Wal-Mart, they all experience these stages uniquely. Each company runs experiencing input, operations, and output stages, but each stage is handled differently according to what kind of business, what is being offered, and who is running it. The activities that regulate the course of the resources between these particular stages is what we call materials management. Materials management helps operate these stages smoothly and effectively, providing necessities and organization (Jones, 2007). Let’s take a look at three different businesses and how each one handles materials management and the three operational stages. The first company that is going to be observed is Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart is a company that has developed over the years into being a commonly recognized place to get everyday necessities for a great price. The process of operations for a business such as Wal-Mart is simple compared to others. The input stage focuses on what is needed for the company to run, such as, labor and employees, contact with a wholesaler, and more all while keeping the customers in mind. Wal-Mart strives to keep a friendly staff and low prices in order to keep the customer’s best interest and loyalty. The way Wal-Mart would go about doing this is hiring qualified staff and train them to best suit the company, and forming an alliance with suppliers that offer products at low prices. As far as the operations of Wal-Mart, they hire the best suited people with the skills and knowledge of this type of company’s operations. They are equipped with machinery and constantly updating in order to keep up with latest trends. With their input and operations, comes the output stage. This is where the goods and services that Wal-Mart offers is placed into the market for consumers to decide. Mentioned previously, Wal-Mart strives to meet the every need of customers providing a great shopping experience. So far, Wal-Mart is still one of the most successful companies of its kind and doesn’t look like anything is going to change that anytime soon. The second company that was observed is Burger King. Burger King is a fast food restaurant business that has a lot of competition. The slogan, â€Å"Have it Your Way,† has allowed Burger King to make way for success. The operations behind this slogan is a bit more complicated. The input of Burger King consists of associations with suppliers in order to have the best quality possible for a frozen, fast food restaurant. From the supplies of burgers, to fries, milkshakes and salads, Burger King is not going to have a supplier produce outdated food or else that would be horrible materials management. The operations stage of Burger King is figuring out new ways to produce faster and better food and service to its customers while living up to its slogan. Doing this, Burger King would have to make sure everything is up to date and employees are equipped with the skills and knowledge to come up with new innovations to suit the needs of the company. The output stage of Burger King is providing the service fast and efficiently. Making sure that all food is sanitary and delivered quickly. The third company that was observed is St. Joseph’s Hospital. This is a hospital that specializes in critical care and emergencies. The operations of this hospital is crucial because it is not only service, but it holds people’s lives at stake. The input of the hospital would be having ownership of the supplies and relationships with suppliers. This way when it comes to operations stage, the best and most updated equipment is ready for use and can provide the best service possible. Between these two stages, the best and most skilled doctors, nurses, and staff are hired in order to ensure safety and health. As far as the output stage of St. Joseph’s Hospital, the services provided are high-quality service and safety. As we look at these companies, we can see that a lot goes into operations behind the service and goods we receive as consumers. The way a company designs its operating system is crucial for success. The input, operations, and output are only a part of what is contributed. It is the materials management, the flow of how things are ran that really makes or breaks the backbone of a business. The way the systems are designed will give one company an advantage over another. Using materials management effectively and really going into detail about research will give a company more of an advantage than another. It will help a business increase its productivity, innovation, quality, and most importantly, its responsiveness to customers. Not only does the operations come into effect when running a successful business, but costs are a big part as well. Operations and materials management costs, also known as, OMM, consist of many costs pertaining to a company. The main costs of OMM are, raw materials and components, plant, labor, inventory, and distribution (Jones, 2007). These costs affect companies’ operations because each cost if part of the operating system. Without effectively running operations, costs will run a business†¦ out of business. Including costs during the operating process is a crucial way to success. This is all a part of materials management! References Jones, G. R. (2007). Introduction to business: How companies create value for people. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Leaders vs. Managers: Who would I hire? Essay example -- Business Mana

One of my favorite management quotes says â€Å"Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success, leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.† My ideas about leadership and management have been shaped by personal experiences in both the military and private sectors. While there are good and bad leaders in both worlds, the military adds an interesting twist in the requirement to follow the orders of your chain of command and that facets of management are performed at varying steps in that chain. In the military, â€Å"leadership† is imposed as rank is earned. Conversely, in the private sector, leadership is earned or demonstrated in order to achieve â€Å"rank†. I find myself torn between these alternate views of leadership and management as I think of answers to the assigned questions. If I were the CEO of a company, would I hire managers or leaders for my supervisory positions? My answer to this question depends on my company. As the CEO of a start-up company on the cutting edge of my market segment, I would ensure that the majority of my supervisors have the vision and skills necessary to ensure success and future growth opportunities. However, not all functions of the business would require a high level of forward thinking so having managers would also be important. As the book states, having leaders with an entrepreneurial view of the world would be an asset during the development phase of the business but they could become overwhelmed by bureaucracy as the business matures. I think it is important to note that â€Å"leading† is listed as one of the 8 identifiable functions of managers. From a military perspective, as an admiral, I would expect my senior officers to be leaders with an eye on t... ... also results in higher efficiency. Works Cited Babcock-Roberson, M., & Strickland, O. (2010). The Relationship Between Charismatic Leadership, Work Engagement, and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors. Journal of Psychology, 144(3), 313-326. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database. Covey, S. (1990). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. New York: Fireside. Kreitner R. (2009). Management. Canada: Houghton Mifflin Hardcourt. Sterry, T., Reiter-Purtill, J., Gartstein, M., Gerhardt, C., Vannatta, K., & Noll, R. (2010). Temperament and Peer Acceptance: The Mediating Role of Social Behavior. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 56(2), 189-219. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database. Zweig, D. (2010). The Board That Couldn’t Think Straight. Conference Board Review v. 47 no. 1 (Winter 2010) p. 40-7. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Equality vs. Athletics Essay -- Title IX Sports Women Essays

Equality vs. Athletics In 1929, the 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote. This was a breakthrough for America and an enormous step towards equal opportunities for women everywhere. Being given the right to vote created a sense of long awaited and greatly deserved equality with men. Even though women were given the right to vote, over 70 years ago, the government still has to make a law to ensure that equal treatment is given. Title IX was instated in 1972 to provide women with the same athletic opportunities as men in universities across the United States. While Title IX has helped advance female athletics, there are arguments that it has discriminated against male athletics. Attorney Curt Levey makes a drastically bias argument against Title IX in his article, Title IX’s Dark Side: Sports Gender Quotas. The argument focuses on the pressures of upper level schools complying with Title IX’s proportionality rule, the lack of female interest in intercollegiate athletics, and the bit ter cutting of several men’s teams since Title IX was established. Levey, along with many others opposed to Title IX, seem to think the law is slowly destroying male athletics, which was not what it was intended for and definitely is not the case. Title IX was created in order to provide women with equal opportunities in intercollegiate athletics, and that is exactly what it has done so far and what it will continue to do. Levey’s first problem with Title IX and its attempt to increase women’s athletic opportunities, found in paragraph four, is directed towards the proportionality rule (Levey 626). The proportionality rule is one of three options schools are given to comply with Title IX. This requires high schools, colleges, and u... ...een sitting on the bench for years, and now it’s time for men to â€Å"take one for the team.† Work Cited Bestwick, Dick. â€Å"Title IX’s proportionality rule is patently unfair to men.† Athens Banner-Herald. 2 Feb. 2003. 16 Apr. 2003. Levey, Curt. Title IX’s Dark Side: Sports Gender Quotas. Good Reasons with Contemporary Arguments. Needham Heights: Pearson, 2001.626-627. Rpt. in The Humanist. The National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education. Title IX at Thirty: Report Card of Gender Equity. June 2002. The National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education. Title IX Athletics Policies: Issues and Data for Education Decision Makers. Aug 27. 2002. The Secretary of Education’s Commission on Opportunity in Athletics. â€Å"Open to All† Title IX at Thirty. Feb 28. 2003. Equality vs. Athletics Essay -- Title IX Sports Women Essays Equality vs. Athletics In 1929, the 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote. This was a breakthrough for America and an enormous step towards equal opportunities for women everywhere. Being given the right to vote created a sense of long awaited and greatly deserved equality with men. Even though women were given the right to vote, over 70 years ago, the government still has to make a law to ensure that equal treatment is given. Title IX was instated in 1972 to provide women with the same athletic opportunities as men in universities across the United States. While Title IX has helped advance female athletics, there are arguments that it has discriminated against male athletics. Attorney Curt Levey makes a drastically bias argument against Title IX in his article, Title IX’s Dark Side: Sports Gender Quotas. The argument focuses on the pressures of upper level schools complying with Title IX’s proportionality rule, the lack of female interest in intercollegiate athletics, and the bit ter cutting of several men’s teams since Title IX was established. Levey, along with many others opposed to Title IX, seem to think the law is slowly destroying male athletics, which was not what it was intended for and definitely is not the case. Title IX was created in order to provide women with equal opportunities in intercollegiate athletics, and that is exactly what it has done so far and what it will continue to do. Levey’s first problem with Title IX and its attempt to increase women’s athletic opportunities, found in paragraph four, is directed towards the proportionality rule (Levey 626). The proportionality rule is one of three options schools are given to comply with Title IX. This requires high schools, colleges, and u... ...een sitting on the bench for years, and now it’s time for men to â€Å"take one for the team.† Work Cited Bestwick, Dick. â€Å"Title IX’s proportionality rule is patently unfair to men.† Athens Banner-Herald. 2 Feb. 2003. 16 Apr. 2003. Levey, Curt. Title IX’s Dark Side: Sports Gender Quotas. Good Reasons with Contemporary Arguments. Needham Heights: Pearson, 2001.626-627. Rpt. in The Humanist. The National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education. Title IX at Thirty: Report Card of Gender Equity. June 2002. The National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education. Title IX Athletics Policies: Issues and Data for Education Decision Makers. Aug 27. 2002. The Secretary of Education’s Commission on Opportunity in Athletics. â€Å"Open to All† Title IX at Thirty. Feb 28. 2003.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Use of Magic Realism in Chronicle of a Death Foretold

Chronicle of a Death Foretold Chronicle of a Death Foretold is a perfect example of a novel that showcased cultural and contextual elements. The technique that was the most interesting in Garcia Marquez' novel Chronicle of a Death Foretold, was his use of magic realism. One magical element in the book is the use of dreaming. Dreaming is a constant theme throughout the novel. Chronicle of a Death Foretold, presents the reader with characters that have dreams, as these dreams are the primary sources of events that come true.Magical realism is portrayed through dreams which are used in the novel to see the predicted future, as in most cases, the dreams that we are presented with come true. Although dreaming is not something that is seen to be unrealistic, its the way the author provides truth to all dreams. Garcia Marquez allows the characters dreams to come true, which is the true source of unrealism. Another aspects was describing the upbringing of Angela Vicario and her siblings. Wom en are not allowed to get jobs or follow their own dreams; their lives are bounded by tradition and the expectation to get married and have families.A woman's worthiness as a wife was measured by her beauty. In those days, I believe marriage wasn't based on love. Through this book we are engulfed in the Colombian culture that Marquez demonstrates. Another theme we become aware of is honor. Chronicle of a Death Foretold consists of many different themes that can be recognized by the reader. It was interesting when Raza brought up â€Å"Machismo†. Machismo is a strong or exaggerated sense of manliness, sense of power, or the right to dominate. This theme in turn can be related to the theme of moral responsibility.In this novel the power to dominate is aimed towards women. Machismo, throughout the book is exaggerated to show the dominance of the male sex, and I believe the author felt that the sense of having a dominant sex, is purely based on culture, because in those times, wo men were considered to be inferior to men. Women were looked at as possessions. Knowing that women were forever to just get married, Marquez shows rebellion of the opposite sex by Angela Vicario showcasing her independence and breaking the barrier of the life she HAD to live, by not being a virgin.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Odyssey essays

The Odyssey essays 1) The setting of the story was in Greece and the year was about 1000 b.c or around that time. I am not exactly sure but I no its along time ago since they have simple technologies. 2) The main character in this story is Odysseus. His son and wife are also important characters as well. And the lead guy who wants to marry Odysseus wife. He was always telling the other guys what to do and he was the one he kept on winning all the battles and contest they held in the courtyard of Odysseus house. 3) The minor characters in the story were all the men who wanted to marry the wife of Odysseys and all of Odysseys warriors. Poseidon, the god of the ocean, was also kind of a minor. 4) Odysseus had a whole mess of problems going on in the story. But his main one was getting back home to his wife. He had got Poseidon, the god of the sea, angry with him and couldnt return home. He had to go through many encounters with other gods and goddesss just to make it to the next island. And before he knew it his ship and all his men were destroyed. Eventually he drifted to an island that had heard about him and gave him a ship and men to get him home safely to his wife in Ithaca. His solution is coming back home to his wife and son. But he had to kill all the men who wanted to kill him if he were ever to return. All the men who wanted to marry Odysseus wife were planning on killing his son and Odysseus. So Odysseus and his son killed all the men and they lived happily ever after. 5) The thing I liked most about the movie is all the adventures that Odysseus got into. He was always killing something or meeting attractive women. Odysseus is my kind of cool guy. And plus he killed like 40 people just for trying to get with his woman. Thats just to cool. And plus how he did it to. He barely even moved and they were running around throwing stuff at him. And how he used that disguise to get passed all of ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Factors affecting health and well being essays

Factors affecting health and well being essays The health status of a particular group or community is dependant upon many factors. In the main, you can think of different communities as being of different social classes. A persons social status is almost directly related to that persons health and the social group that you belong to will have a potential affect on your health and life chances. The types of social groups in the community vary from the very top class to the lowest. If we take geographical location , for example, in Britain you would expect people with the highest income to be situated toward the south, south east area due to their being higher wages and more employment. The financial position of a group in a community will have an effect on peoples life chances. In the north of England, a place like Blackburn in some districts, can have lower social class communities made up of low skilled or unskilled people and therefore have high levels of poverty, deprivation with poor, damp housing e.g. old high rise flats with illness related to these damp conditions. On the other hand, other districts, with higher social class families will have a better standard of living with quality housing, parks and better access to leisure facilities and supermarkets which in turn will give them a better health status. Financial position will also affect the level of healt h care people receive. A wealthy person may adopt to paying for more intense, private care like BUPA hospital care for example. The location of groups in a community will render whether or not peoples quality and access to good health care service is available. In certain areas of the country, access to treatment and services may be more readily available compared to others. This boils down to the provision of services and allocation of funds by the government. The prioritisation of funding towards services in certain areas will mean that not everyone will receive the same standard ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Rosalynn Carter Quotes

Rosalynn Carter Quotes Rosalynn Carter, US First Lady 1977-1981, was an active campaigner for her husband, and an advisor and consultant to him. She managed the family business during much of his political career. Her focus as First Lady was mental health reform. Selected Rosalynn Carter Quotations Do what you can to show you care about other people, and you will make our world a better place. If you doubt you can accomplish something, then you cant accomplish it. You have to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through. A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they dont necessarily want to go, but ought to be. Times of upheaval require not just more leadership but more leaders. People at all organizational levels, whether anointed or self-appointed, must be empowered to share leadership responsibilities. There is clearly much left to be done, and whatever else we are going to do, we had better get on with it. I think I am the person closest to the President of the United States, and if I can help him understand the countries of the world, then thats what I intend to do. I had already learned from more than a decade of political life that I was going to be criticized no matter what I did, so I might as well be criticized for something I wanted to do. Jimmy will let me assume as much responsibility as I will.... Jimmy has always said that we the children and myself can do anything. Jimmys sister Ruth was my best friend and she had a picture of him on the wall in her bedroom. I just thought he was the most handsome young man Id ever seen. One day I confessed to her that I wished she let me take that photograph home. Because I just thought I had fallen in love with Jimmy Carter. (About her husbands naval service when he was away at sea) I learned to be very independent. I could take care of myself and the baby and do things that I never dreamed I would be able to do alone. (About her role in the familys peanut and warehouse business) He asked me to come and keep the office. And I had a friend who had taught an accounting course in the vocational technical school and she gave me a set of accounting books. I began to study accounting. I began to keep the books. And it was not too long before I knew actually as much or more about the business on paper than he did. There was no way I could understand our defeat. I had to grieve over our loss before I could look to the future. Where could our lives possibly be as meaningful as they might have been in the White House? If we have not achieved our early dreams, we must either find new ones or see what we can salvage from the old. If we have accomplished what we set out to do in our youth, we need not weep like Alexander the Great that we have no more worlds to conquer. You must accept that you might fail; then, if you do your best and still dont win, at least you can be satisfied that youve tried. If you dont accept failure as a possibility, you dont set high goals, and you dont branch out, you dont try you dont take the risk. Dont worry about polls, but if you do, dont admit it. Informed journalists can have a significant impact on public understanding of mental health issues, as they shape debate and trends with the words and pictures they convey.... They influence their peers and stimulate discussion among the general public, and an informed public can reduce stigma and discrimination. There is nothing more important than a good, safe, secure home. (President Jimmy Carter about Rosalynn Carter) Theres very seldom a decision that I make that I dont discuss with either to tell her after the fact what Ive done, or, very frequently, to tell her my options and seek her advice.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Chronic Illness and Palliative Care. Master Nursing Essay

Chronic Illness and Palliative Care. Master Nursing - Essay Example The discussion in this paper will be based on the principles of care of a patient with a chronic illness which is asthma in attempts to explore three main concepts, living with asthma and patients quality of life; the client's empowerment through self-management care and the continuity of care in a multidisciplinary team approach with a palliative care setting. According to the definition provided by the World Health Organization (1990), "Palliative care is the active total care of patients whose disease is not responsive to curative treatment. Control of pain or other symptoms and psychological, social and spiritual problems in this context are of paramount importance" (pp. 804). Regarding shared values and ethics in palliative care, ethike is a Greek word from which the word ethics is derived. Ethos is a value which one has and consistently applies to one's life. Within the palliative care setting, there are three aspects of patient care that need special attention: the realms of t he palliative care patient; the realm of the palliative care nurse; and the realm of the palliative care team. ... Scott was diagnosed with asthma at age of six years. There are some factors such as dairy products; shellfish; electrical storms and dairy dust that trigger his asthma attacks. Scott is married, but his wife left him three months ago and his condition gets worse and the house does not have the same standard as before. In his effort to find alleviation of the symptoms of asthma, Scott attends his 45 to 49 year old health assessment for the first time. The Patient's Diagnosis Scott was diagnosed with asthma at age of six years. His asthma is a chronic condition. Recently, Scott is complaining of bad asthma attack which stopped him to attend his work as usual. Additionally, Scott has psoriasis and the history of having it is unknown. However, the nurse practitioner should conduct a thorough health assessment in order to gain furthers details about the diagnosis of both disease, treatment, and the way of self management that is followed by Scott in order to control over his condition. Me asuring the severity level of asthma is determined by the physician by asking the client to have a lung function test (LFT), which a breathing test that identify whether the person is having asthma and its severity. Another test that can be done easily by the patient is spirometry, which is an instrument that is considered to be the most accurate test to determine asthma (Department of Health and Aging, 2010b). Living With Asthma Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways and lung. It is characterized by wheezing, coughing, chest tightness and shortness of breath. There are some of the risk factors that contribute to trigger asthma attack such as colds and flu, air

Friday, October 18, 2019

Enlightment Vs. Romanticism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Enlightment Vs. Romanticism - Essay Example Although they pass common knowledge to the human beings, they differ in their opinions. Keats believes that beauty is a concept that conquers everything in life. He argues that it is good for the authors to argue their opinions based on reality and the reality he emphasizes is the nature and romanticism. He argues that authors should not categorize the earth into different knowledge as he believes that knowledge is just one. On the other hand, Kant emphasizes of reasoning by saying that the world composes different knowledge. This is the primary tool for getting the reality of enlightenment from the society. According to Kant, enlightenment means the release of a man from his self-tutelage. This is where a person is not able to make his own decisions without the influence of other people. Kant therefore, encourages people to think and reason He considers the traditional philosophers as people who could not reason to bring reality into the world. Through his poetry, he thus hopes to end the age where things are speculated without using the reasoning and thinking capabilities. Kant used his poetry to define the enlightenment as a situation where men are released from their self- incurred tutelage and having the courage to reason and air out one’s opinions on a particular issue. Through the poetry, Kant enlightens people on the nature and the reality (Kant, 23). His poetry is very crucial in the society where reasoning is valued as the primary driver of one’s life. He analyzes the previous philosophers as people who could not reason because they were coward. He argues that their coward behavior made them remain unenlightened in the society for quite a lot of time. Furthermore, he says that people in the society are too lazy that they cannot even reason. The people’s laziness has made them not to think and reason beyond the box. The poet is thus important to the society as through his poetry; people become enlightened. People

Teeth Erosion Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Teeth Erosion - Lab Report Example This report discusses the erosion of teeth that has occurred due to the sustained effect of tea and herbal tea. Erosion in Teeth-Effects of Tea and Coffee Though there are a host of chemical factors, biological factors and other factors related to oral hygiene, this report shall focus on the erosion of teeth due to behavioural factors. These behavioural factors include unhealthy eating and drinking habits and high consumption of acidic foods, tea and coffee. It has been noted that there are certain brands of herbal teas containing rose hip and lemon that have pH values in the range of 2.6-3.9. Since pH of 7 is considered to be neutral i.e neither acidic nor basic, a pH of 2.6 throws up several challenges as more the time this fluid is in contact with the teeth, the chances of erosion are higher. It has to be noted that during remineralisation cycles Fluoride present in our teeth, forms fluorapatite. (Adrian Lussi, 2006) However interaction of this layer with acidic food products caus es it to dissolve leaving the tooth surface open to erosion. Erosion of teeth due to coffee on the other hand is because of generation of gastric juice which finds its way into the mouth. (L. Shaw & A.J. Smith, Feb 1998) Gastro-Oesophageal reflux (GOR) is backward movement of acid generated in stomach beyond the lower oesophageal upto the mouth. The pH value is higher than the acids caused due to tea and hence the teeth erosion is more profound. The content is high in hydrochloric acid and causes thinning of the enamel. Later as this spreads the molar and premolar teeth are also affected. Symptoms that indicate whether a person is suffering from GORD include continuous burning sensation close to the heart area and regurgitation or the feeling of throwing up. (Adrian Lussi, 2006) Some samples of teeth images that have been subject to excessive herbal tea and coffee are listed below to make a comparative study. Source: Adult teeth sample exposed to herbal tea at 100Â µm, Lab Images S ource: Adult teeth sample exposed to coffee at 100Â µm, Lab Images Source: Adult teeth sample exposed to herbal tea at 2Â µm, Lab images Source: Adult teeth sample exposed to coffee at 2Â µm, Lab images The comparison of the erosion of the teeth to both tea and coffee in the images for the 100Â µm range offers the following facts 1. The lower pH and hence the more gastric acid generating coffee has shown a wider degree of tooth erosion compare to herbal tea. Source: Baby teeth sample exposed to coffee at 2Â µm, Lab images 2. The figures have been split into 2 sections; those taken ay 100Â µm and those at 2Â µm. The images for 100Â µm show that the teeth exposed to coffee have a fish scale like appearance and heavy duty cracking with enamel layers almost peeling off. Severe presence of cracks is also noticed on the surface. The teeth exposed to herbal tea also show deterioration with the surface witnessing rough scaly discontinuities. 3. More magnification in the 2Â µm show that compared to the teeth exposed to herbal tea, the coffee exposed teeth had severe degree of pitting across its surface. 4. The baby tooth that has been exposed to coffee does not show significant erosion but the beginning of surface layer peeling has begun. Also if one were to compare the images at 2Â µm for the adult and baby, the former shows a significant amount of pitting that has taken place on its surface in addition to

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Exam essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Exam - Essay Example Family owned businesses tend to feel that the business environment around them is not secure enough for them to venture into the unknown (Cromie et al. 1995, p.11). Lyman Orchards is an example of such a family owned business venture which, despite having existed for more than two hundred years and been run by multiple generations of the Lyman family, it has not been able to grow into a multinational conglomerate as has been the case with non-family businesses such as McDonald’s and Target. Moreover, unlike non-family businesses, family businesses do not rely on formal planning and instead, their management systems are based on less formal control as well as fewer incentives. The informal nature of such businesses is often based on their being wholly owned and managed by members of the same family and these do not need personal incentives to work in the business because they work for themselves. In family businesses such as Toyota and Samsung, members of their founding families have been active members since they were founded and this has been as a result of the long tradition as well as personal interest that has been established over the years. When it comes to finance, non-family firms have the advantage because they can easily gain finances through making offers at the stock market (Coleman and Carsky 1999, p.73). This is not the case with family firms, which if the owners do not have ready finances to invest in the business might bring about financial ruin. Therefore, while family owned businesses are more likely than not to achieve greater profitability than non-family businesses, the latter have an advantage because they achieve higher growth levels. A family business such as the Trump Organization faced some financial problems in its history as a result of being internally financed by the owners and such a scenario becomes extremely

Process eassy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Process eassy - Essay Example This process essay discusses how to go about doing an interview for the students in modern times. Students have to appear in a number of different interviews every now and then so that they can get the desired job that they have so long yearned for. Their craving is there and hence it leads to an interview session with the prospective employer. All the potentials as well as weaknesses of the concerned interviewee are under total scrutiny and hence it is his duty to ensure that he does not succumb under pressure and a sense of tension which is so very related with the interview sessions and thus come out clean and clear about what the future of the company as well as his own self holds. Interview is something that has to be done in a total resolute manner where the person who is conducting the interview gets to know the prospective employee in a light vein and the interviewer judges this individual inside out so that he could be chosen for the post for which he has been called for. The pre-interview evaluation starts when the interviewee receives a call from the company representative. It is important for this person to converse with him in a good tone as nobody knows it might be the company’s boss speaking to the prospective employee and hiding his identity behind an ordinary worker in the office place. Respect and dignity are the keywords here, which must be given to the person who is taking the effort to call the person for the process of interview and thus a sense of cordiality must be established between the two. There is a new trend developing in the recruiting of high-tech employees. (Zimbleman, 2005) Due to the competitive nature of the business, companies are looking for new ways to recruit individuals that not only have the business and technical knowledge required to perform a specific job, but they are also looking for candidates that fit well into the corporate culture of the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Exam essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Exam - Essay Example Family owned businesses tend to feel that the business environment around them is not secure enough for them to venture into the unknown (Cromie et al. 1995, p.11). Lyman Orchards is an example of such a family owned business venture which, despite having existed for more than two hundred years and been run by multiple generations of the Lyman family, it has not been able to grow into a multinational conglomerate as has been the case with non-family businesses such as McDonald’s and Target. Moreover, unlike non-family businesses, family businesses do not rely on formal planning and instead, their management systems are based on less formal control as well as fewer incentives. The informal nature of such businesses is often based on their being wholly owned and managed by members of the same family and these do not need personal incentives to work in the business because they work for themselves. In family businesses such as Toyota and Samsung, members of their founding families have been active members since they were founded and this has been as a result of the long tradition as well as personal interest that has been established over the years. When it comes to finance, non-family firms have the advantage because they can easily gain finances through making offers at the stock market (Coleman and Carsky 1999, p.73). This is not the case with family firms, which if the owners do not have ready finances to invest in the business might bring about financial ruin. Therefore, while family owned businesses are more likely than not to achieve greater profitability than non-family businesses, the latter have an advantage because they achieve higher growth levels. A family business such as the Trump Organization faced some financial problems in its history as a result of being internally financed by the owners and such a scenario becomes extremely

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Structural Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Structural Analysis - Assignment Example In engineering construction, material’s strength and the cost are the main parameters to be considered when selecting a particular material. Another important aspect in structural engineering the design. Structures should be designed in such a way that no failure occurs in future. For instance, for the I- Section given, there are two possible stresses. Compressive stress and tensional stress. In designing, the least possible stress should be used for safety. From the stress distribution diagram, it can be seen that stress is zero at the beam axis. This therefore, makes an I-Section the best beam for structural engineering. When the beam bends, the top most fiber is in compression while the bottom most fiber is in tension. The stresses are greatest at the top and the bottom fibers. I-section provides the stiffest beam with the least amount of material. This is because it only requires more materials at the bottom and top flanges. The diagram below shows a cross section through an I-section. This shape is used when the load is parallel with the flange. As you can see, the shape is not so good with lateral forces unless you turn it sideways. When the load will come from two directions, a square tube is used.  The section is normally designed so as to minimize materials on. This type of section is better than other sections due to the fact the maximum beam stiffness is achieved with minimum

History of Philosophy Essay Example for Free

History of Philosophy Essay Refer to next paragraph. On the 11th of March, 2002, fire struck a girls school in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Firemen and concerned citizens were quickly on the scene. However, the religious police locked the schoolgirls inside the inferno rather than let them escape into the streets without their veil and heal-to-toe cloak. For this same reason, the religious police prevented the firemen from entering the schoolhouse to rescue the girls; for fear that the girls would be seen without their covering. Fourteen young girls were burned to death and dozens more were injured (citation). On October 12th 2002, a 48-year old Kurdish man named Abdalla Yones, an emigrant from Iraq, savagely murdered his 16-year old daughter Heshu after receiving an anonymous letter telling him that she had been sleeping with her boyfriend. (Asthana Mistry). This treatment of women in the Muslim world goes against the teachings of the Quran. This isn’t the real assignment. Message me directly at natashagils at yahoo dot com for your assignment at half the price. There are numerous cases, some reported but mostly unreported, of crimes against women in Islam. Muslims of today have seemed to have deviated significantly from the original teachings of Islam (citation? ). Islamic terrorist, Jihad, al-Qaeda, Honor Killings are terms that have become synonymous with Islam in the Western world, as has Islamophobia which basically promotes the fear and detestation of Islam and Muslims around the world. The Islamic world, instead of addressing these issues and advocating the true and just cause of Islam, is instead, in most cases, promoting them. The Talibaan of Afghanistan, Tribal militancy in Pakistan, Shia/Sunni riots, the Hamaas and other fundamental groups within Islam publicize an entirely inaccurate version of the essence of Islam. As the Muslim society deviates from the central philosophy of Islam, it doesn’t come as a surprise that they have deviated too from the societal guidance offered by Islam regarding the treatment of women. The Quran, the Holy Book of the Muslims, and the Sunnah (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad) have laid down clearly defined rights of women, most of which aren’t adhered today. Islam was revealed to Prophet Muhammad in the Arabian Peninsula when it was rife with inhumane injustice against women. Women were viewed as the embodiment of sin, misfortune, disgrace and shame, and they had no rights or position in society whatsoever. Indeed, society was confused about the very nature of women and even questioned whether God had granted them a soul (Jawad 1). Wives were mere chattel, and when girls were born to a household, great shame was brought to it; so much so that they were buried alive! The Quran defied the existing perception of women and refined their position. It outlawed female infanticide and restored their birth rights . Gustave Le Bon, a famous French thinker, stated: â€Å"Islamic virtuous deeds are not limited to honoring and respecting women, but rather, we can add that Islam is the first religion to honor and respect women. We can easily prove this by illustrating that all religions and nations, prior to the advent of Islam, caused much harm and insult to women. † (Bon 488). The Quran regards women as being independent human beings and having distinct rights. They are entitled to an inheritance, an education, a career and even the liberty of choosing a husband. Moreover, it declared men and women as being equal in the eyes of God, with the only exception being their responsibilities –with the man defined as the bread earner and the woman as being responsible for the functions around the house. According to the Quran, O you who believe! You are forbidden to inherit women against their will, and should not treat them with harshness (Holy Quran, Surah An-Nisa 4:19) The Prophet Muhammad, in this context, is said to have said, ‘All people are equal, as equal as the teeth of a comb. There is no claim of merit of an Arab over a non-Arab, or of a white over a black person, or of a male over a female. Only God fearing people merit a preference with God’. Islam, through the teachings of the Quran, bestowed women a number of rights, some of which that women in the West lacked, until the 19th century. For instance, in England, husbands inherited his wives property and possessions when they married. This unfair tradition continued till as late as 1882 (citation? ). Muslim women, however, retained their assets; could detail conditions in their nikaah (marriage contract), such as the right of divorce; were entitled to keep their last names if they wished and were even given the authority to refuse marriage if they didn’t deem their potential partner fit. The Quran laid down these injunctions in 610 A. D. (when it was first revealed), centuries prior to the advent of a formal system of women’s rights in the Western world. Some of the fundamental rights the Quran gives women are: 1. Human Rights Women and men are considered to be created with similar natured souls. They are considered equal to men in all spheres of life. And for women are rights over men similar to those of men over women. (Holy Quran, 2:226) And O mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam), and from him (Adam) He created his wife (Eve), and from them both He created many men and women and fear Allah through Whom you demand your mutual (rights), and (do not cut the relations of) the wombs (kinship). Surely, Allah is Ever and All-Watcher over you. (Holy Quran, Surah Al-Nisa 4:1). 2. Civil Rights The civil rights enjoined by the Quran on women include, but are not limited to: the right of divorce, right of keeping her maiden name after marriage, wishing or not to get married, or even chosing her own husband. The Quran also states that there is no compulsion upon women regarding religion; There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in Taghut [anything worshipped other then the Real God (Allah)] and believes in Allah, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break. And Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower. (Holy Quran, Surah Al-Baqarah 2:256). 3. Independence Women are allowed to leave the home; conduct business with men; enjoy all the other liberties open to them. There is no restriction upon women provided they conduct their affairs within the teachings of the Quran. Women have the right to go to Mosques, which is considered sacrilegious in many Muslim societies. Not only that, but women have also the right to be Muslim pastors. Aisha, the youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad, used to convey the teachings of Islam to men and women alike. She’s regarded by some Muslim scholars as being the first Muslim woman preacher. The Quran is very clear in its laws regarding women. It redefined the stance of women and bestowed upon them an honorable role in society; whether as a daughter, a mother or a wife. Men are instructed in their fair and kind dealing towards women. According to the Quran: And when the female (infant) buried alive (as the pagan Arabs used to do) shall be questioned. For what sin she was killed? † (Holy Quran, Surah At-Takwir 81:8-9). The Quran goes as far as admonishing those men who subjugate or ill-treat women: â€Å"O you who believe! You are forbidden to inherit women against their will. Nor should you treat them with harshness, that you may take away part of the dowry you have given them except when they have become guilty of open lewdness. On the contrary live with them on a footing of kindness and equity. If you take a dislike to them, it may be that you dislike something and God will bring about through it a great deal of good†. (Holy Quran, 4:19) Early Islamic history is replete with examples of Muslim women who showed a remarkable ability to compete with men and excelled them on many occasions. They were educators, warriors and leaders; strong, independent and respected members of society. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case in most of the Muslim world today. Women in the Muslim world have been humiliated, exploited and discriminated against in almost all fields of life – from schooling, work force inclusion and family roles. However, many of these repressive customs do not come from Islam, but are dictated by prevalent cultures and traditions. Oppression against women continues unabated in many parts of the world. Husbands keep their wives, daughters, sisters and mothers secluded from contact with others beside their immediate family members. Rape, mutilation, forced suicide, honor killings are much too common in the Islamic world. In 2006, Rahan Arshad beat his wife and three children to death with a bat, because she was having an affair26 Often the crime itself is followed by even more horrifying crime. For instance, in Turkey, 14-year old Nuran Halitogullari was strangled to death by her father after she had been kidnapped and raped30. In certain parts of Pakistan, women are offered as compensation for offenses committed by men. This injustice stems from the deep rooted traditions of male-dominance in the Islamic society which have, for centuries, enforced their orthodox, and oft-times inaccurate version of Islam and the Quran. Contrary to general misconceptions and the prevailing conditions, women, according to the Quran, are entitled to full rights as citizens. Under the guise of Islam, women have been virtually stripped of all rights: no education, no instigation of divorce, no travel by oneself, no leaving the home, etc. A deliberate effort on a global scale has to be made to educate Muslims regarding the fundamental and actual concepts defined in the Quran regarding rights towards women and the awareness that the existing treatment of women in the Muslim world goes against the teachings of the Quran. Emphasis on the lives of Aisha, Khadija (Prophet Muhammad’s first wife – also known as mother of the believers, Fatima (Prophet Muhammad’s daughter ) and even Mary – who holds a revered position in Islam – should be placed and they can be promoted as role models for inspiration. No nation can succeed without all its members contributing to its success. Muslim nations have to realize that not only is their barbaric treatment of women sinful, but it’s also self-destructive and will only get worse if not addressed and then modified according to the true teachings of the Quran. Treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers. (Ismail 83). ? Works Cited Asthana, A. and Mistry. U. For Families that Fear Dishonor, There is Only One Remedy†¦ Murder. The Observer, 5 October, 2003. Bon, Gustave Le. The Arab Civilization. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1884. Ismail, Imam Vehbi. Muhammad, the Last Prophet: The Last Prophet. Jordan: Amana

Monday, October 14, 2019

Uses Of Starter Motors And Their History Engineering Essay

Uses Of Starter Motors And Their History Engineering Essay Motor Starters are switches specially designed for starting motors. These switches are designed to control the flow of current. There are basically two types of motor starters, Manual Starters and Magnetic Starters. Uses of STARTER In a Motor : 1: To give starting resistance to motor. 2:Starter is used to safe the motor winding from the high starting current. 3: Starter is used in a motor to control the limit of high starting current.As the motor starts(in case of DC motor) high current occurs which is controlled by use of high resistance slowly cut out of the circuit. History Both Otto cycle and Diesel cycle internal-combustion engines require the pistons which is used to convert pressure into motion. Originally, a hand crank(handle) was used to start engines, but it was difficult, and dangerous to start an engine. Even though cranks had an overrun mechanism, when the engine started, the crank could begin to spin along with the crankshaft and it might strike the person starting the engine. Care has to be taken to prevent the spark from backfiring. In short we can say that there is a lot of risk while starting the engine with a a crank.Moreover, increasingly larger engines with higher compression ratios made hand cranking a more physically demanding endeavour. While there was a need of starter, as in 1899, Clyde J. Coleman applied for U.S. Patent 745,157 for an electric automobile self-starter inventing one that worked successfully in most conditions did not occur until 1911 when Charles F. Kettering of Dayton Engineering Laboratories Company (DELCO) invented and filed for U.S. Patent 1,150,523 for the first useful electric starter. (Kettering had replaced the hand crank on NCRs cash registers with an electric motor five years earlier.) One aspect of the invention lay in the realization that a relatively small motor, driven with higher voltage and current than would be feasible for continuous operation, could deliver enough power to crank the engine for starting. At the voltage and current levels required, such a motor would burn out in a few minutes of continuous operation, but not during the few seconds needed to start the engine. The starters were first installed by Cadillac on production models in 1912. The Model T relied on hand cran ks until 1919; by 1920 most manufacturers included self-starters.The electric starter ensured that anyone could easily start and run an internal combustion engine car, and this made it the design of choice for car buyers from that day forward. Details about the Starters used-> Following starters used to operate motor starter Electric starter Gear reduction starter Pneumatic starter The Principal at which motor starter is worked Electric starter used in motor starter Electric starter Main Housing Overrunning clutch Armature Field coils Brushes Solenoid What is motor starter? A starter motor is a high-torque electric motor for turning the gear on the engine flywheel. The modern starter motor is either a permanent-magnet or a series-parallel wound direct current electric motor with a solenoid switch (similar to a relay) mounted on it. When current from the starting battery is applied to the solenoid, usually through a key-operated switch, it pushes out the drive pinion on the starter driveshaft and meshes the pinion with the ring gear on the flywheel of the engine. Before the advent of key-driven starters, most electric starters were actuated by foot-pressing a pedestal located on the floor, generally above the accelerator pedal. Solenoid The solenoid also closes high-current contacts for the starter motor, which begins to turn. Once the engine starts, the key-operated switch is opened, a spring in the solenoid assembly pulls the pinion gear away from the ring gear, and the starter motor stops. The starters pinion is clutched to its driveshaft through an overrunning sprag clutch which permits the pinion to transmit drive in only one direction. In this manner, drive is transmitted through the pinion to the flywheel ring gear, but if the pinion remains engaged (as for example because the operator fails to release the key as soon as the engine starts), the pinion will spin independently of its driveshaft. This prevents the engine driving the starter, for such backdrive would cause the starter to spin so fast as to fly apart. However, this sprag clutch arrangement would preclude the use of the starter as a generator if employed in hybrid scheme mentioned above; unless modifications are made. Also, a standard starter motor is only designed for intermittent use which would preclude its use as a generator. Overrunning clutch This overrunning-clutch pinion arrangement was phased into use beginning in the early 1960s; before that time, a Bendix drive was used. The Bendix system places the starter drive pinion on a helically-cut driveshaft. When the starter motor begins turning, the inertia of the drive pinion assembly causes it to ride forward on the helix and thus engage with the ring gear. When the engine starts, backdrive from the ring gear causes the drive pinion to exceed the rotative speed of the starter, at which point the drive pinion is forced back down the helical shaft and thus out of mesh with the ring gear. An intermediate development between the Bendix drive developed in the 1930s and the overrunning-clutch designs introduced in the 1960s was the Bendix Folo-Thru drive. The standard Bendix drive would disengage from the ring gear as soon as the engine fired, even if it did not continue to run. The Folo-Thru drive contains a latching mechanism and a set of flyweights in the body of the drive unit. When the starter motor begins turning and the drive unit is forced forward on the helical shaft by inertia, it is latched into the engaged position. Only once the drive unit is spun at a speed higher than that attained by the starter motor itself (i.e., it is backdriven by the running engine) will the flyweights pull radially outward, releasing the latch and permitting the overdriven drive unit to be spun out of engagement. In this manner, unwanted starter disengagement is avoided before a successful engine start. Starter used in motor starter : Gear-reduction starters Chrysler Corporation contributed materially to the modern development of the starter motor. In 1962, Chrysler introduced a starter incorporating a geartrain between the motor and the driveshaft. Rolls Royce had introduced a conceptually similar starter in 1946, but Chryslers was the first volume-production unit. The motor shaft has integrally-cut gear teeth forming a drive gear which mesh with a larger adjacent driven gear to provide a gear reduction ratio of 3.75:1. This permits the use of a higher-speed, lower-current, lighter and more compact motor assembly while increasing cranking torque. Variants of this starter design were used on most vehicles produced by Chrysler Corporation from 1962 through 1987. The Chrysler starter made a unique, readily identifiable sound when cranking the engine. This starter formed the design basis for the offset gear reduction starters now employed by about half the vehicles on the road, and the conceptual basis for virtually all of them. Many Japanese automakers phased in gear reduction starters in the 1970s and 1980s. Light aircraft engines also made extensive use of this kind of starter, because its light weight offered an advantage. Those starters not employing offset geartrains like the Chrysler unit generally employ planetary epicyclic geartrains instead. Direct-drive starters are almost entirely obsolete owing to their larger size, heavier weight and higher current requirements. Ford also issued a nonstandard starter, a direct-drive movable pole shoe design that provided cost reduction rather than electrical or mechanical benefits. This type of starter eliminated the solenoid, replacing it with a movable pole shoe and a separate starter relay. The Ford starter operated as follows: The operator closed the key-operated starting switch. A small electric current flowed through the starter relay coil, closing the contacts and sending a large current to the starter motor assembly. One of the pole shoes, hinged at the front, linked to the starter drive, and spring-loaded away from its normal operating position, swung into position. This moved a pinion gear to engage the flywheel ring gear, and simultaneously closed a pair of heavy-duty contacts supplying current to the starter motor winding. The starter motor cranked the engine until it started. An overrunning clutch in the pinion gear uncoupled the gear from the ring gear. The operator released the key-operated starting switch, cutting power to the starter motor assembly. A spring retracted the pole shoe, and with it, the pinion gear. FEATURES / BENEFITS à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ It is Compact . à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ It has high torque. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ It has high durability. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ It has self-contained clutch shaft. Electric starter The modern starter motor is either a permanent-magnet or a series-parallel wound direct current electric motor with a solenoid switch (similar to a relay) mounted on it. When current from the starting battery is applied to the solenoid, usually through a key-operated switch, it pushes out the drive pinion on the starter driveshaft and meshes the pinion with the ring gear on the flywheel of the engine. Before the advent of key-driven starters, most electric starters were actuated by foot-pressing a pedestal located on the floor, generally above the accelerator pedal. The solenoid also closes high-current contacts for the starter motor, which begins to turn. Once the engine starts, the key-operated switch is opened, a spring in the solenoid assembly pulls the pinion gear away from the ring gear, and the starter motor stops. The starters pinion is clutched to its driveshaft through an overrunning sprag clutch which permits the pinion to transmit drive in only one direction. In this manner, drive is transmitted through the pinion to the flywheel ring gear, but if the pinion remains engaged (as for example because the operator fails to release the key as soon as the engine starts), the pinion will spin independently of its driveshaft. This prevents the engine driving the starter, for such backdrive would cause the starter to spin so fast as to fly apart. However, this sprag clutch arrangement would preclude the use of the starter as a generator if employed in hybrid scheme mentioned above; unless modifications are made. Also, a standard starter motor is only designed for intermittent use which would preclude its use as a generator. This overrunning-clutch pinion arrangement was phased into use beginning in the early 1960s; before that time, a Bendix drive was used. The Bendix system places the starter drive pinion on a helically-cut driveshaft. When the starter motor begins turning, the inertia of the drive pinion assembly causes it to ride forward on the helix and thus engage with the ring gear. When the engine starts, backdrive from the ring gear causes the drive pinion to exceed the rotative speed of the starter, at which point the drive pinion is forced back down the helical shaft and thus out of mesh with the ring gear. An intermediate development between the Bendix drive developed in the 1930s and the overrunning-clutch designs introduced in the 1960s was the Bendix Folo-Thru drive. The standard Bendix drive would disengage from the ring gear as soon as the engine fired, even if it did not continue to run. The Folo-Thru drive contains a latching mechanism and a set of flyweights in the body of the drive unit. When the starter motor begins turning and the drive unit is forced forward on the helical shaft by inertia, it is latched into the engaged position. Only once the drive unit is spun at a speed higher than that attained by the starter motor itself (i.e., it is backdriven by the running engine) will the flyweights pull radially outward, releasing the latch and permitting the overdriven drive unit to be spun out of engagement. In this manner, unwanted starter disengagement is avoided before a successful engine start. The modern starter motor is a series-wound direct current electric motor with a solenoid switch (similar to a relay) mounted on it. When low-current power from the starting battery is applied to the solenoid (the thin, grey wire in the image above), usually through a key-operated switch, it pushes out a small pinion gear on the starter motors shaft and meshes it with the ring gear on the flywheel of the engine. The solenoid also closes high-current contacts (powered through the thick red cable in the image) for the starter motor and it starts to run. Once the engine starts, the key-operated switch is opened, a spring in the solenoid assembly pulls the pinion gear away from the ring gear, and the starter motor stops. Modern starter motors have a bendix   a gear and integral freewheel, or overrunning clutch, that enables the flywheel to automatically disengage the pinion gear from the flywheel when the engine starts. Chrysler and Ford both contributed to the starter market, with two types that were very different to those used on vehicles today. Chrysler manufactured a gear reduction starter employing a small gear to drive a larger gear attached to the starters pinion gear shaft. This allowed lower current to be drawn from the battery to run the starter, and still had the initial torque needed to turn the flywheel approximately at 200 rpm. This starter is also smaller and integrates the starter solenoid in the starter case, instead of having it mounted externally. Since this design weighs less, it has also been adapted to some light aircraft engines, where minimizing weight is very important. Fords version was slightly more complicated. The engineers at Ford Motor Company used a positive engagement style starter. This type of starter eliminated the solenoid, replacing it with a moveable armature and a separate starter relay. An armature is a part made of ferromagnetic metal that is magnetized by a coil of copper ribbon wound around it, creating an electromagnet. The Ford starter operated as follows: The operator closed the key-operated starting switch. A small electric current flowed through the starter relay coil, closing the contacts and sending a large current to the starter motor assembly. The armature moved a pinion gear to engage the flywheel ring gear, and simultaneously closed a pair of heavy-duty contacts supplying current to the starter motor winding. The starter motor cranked the engine until it started. An overrunning clutch in the pinion gear uncoupled the gear from the ring gear. The operator released the key-operated starting switch, cutting power to the starter motor assembly. A spring retracted the armature, and with it, the pinion gear. Current Ford starter designs incorporate the starter solenoid into the starter motor assembly, instead of mounting it on the firewall or on a fender. Starter motor A starter is an electric motor needed to turn over the engine to start it. A starter consists of the very powerful DC electric motor and starter solenoid that is attached to the motor (see the picture). A starter motor requires very high current to crank the engine, thats why its connected to the battery with large cables (see lower diagram). The negative (ground) cable connects -battery terminal to the engine block close to the starter. The positive cable connects +battery terminal to the starter solenoid. The starter solenoid works as an electric switch when actuated, it closes the circuit and connects the starter motor to the battery. At the same time, it pushes the starter gear forward to mesh with the engines flywheel. How the starting system works: When you turn the ignition key to the Startposition, the battery voltage goes through the starter control circuit and activates the starter solenoid, which in turn energizes the starter motor. The starter motor cranks the engine. A starter can only be operated when the automatic transmission shifter is in Parkor Neutralposition or if the car has a manual transmission, when the clutch pedal is depressed. To accomplish this, there is a Neutral safety switchinstalled at the automatic transmission, (or at the clutch pedal). When the automatic transmission is not in Parkor Neutral(or when the clutch pedal is not depressed), the neutral safety switch is open and the starter relay disconnects the starter control circuit. Simplified diagram of typical starting system Pneumatic Starter A Pneaumatic motor is a machine which converts in the form of compressed air into mechanical work. It converts it either in linear or rotary motion. Linear motion can come from piston actuator,while rotary motion is supplied by a piston air motor. These motors are very successful in hand-held tool industry. Classification Linear In order to achieve linear motion from compressed air, a system of pistons is most commonly used.   The compressed air is pumped into an air tight chamber that houses the shaft of the piston.   Also inside this chamber a spring is coiled around the shaft of the piston in order to hold the chamber completely open when air is not being pumped into the chamber.   As air is pumped into the chamber the force on the piston shaft begins to overcome the force being exerted on the spring. As more air is pumped into the chamber, the pressure increases and the piston begins to move down the chamber. When it reaches its maximum length the air pressure is released from the chamber and the spring completes the cycle by closing off the chamber to return to its original position.   Piston motors are the most commonly used in hydraulic systems. Essentially, piston motors are the same as hydraulic pumps except they are used to convert hydraulic energy into mechanical energy.    Piston motors are often used in series of two, three, four, five, or six cylinders that are enclosed in a housing.   This allows for more power to be delivered by the pistons because several motors are in sync with each other at certain times of their cycle Rotary Another type of pneumatic motor, known as a rotary vane motor, uses air to produce rotational motion to a shaft.   The rotating element is a slotted rotor which is mounted on a drive shaft. Each slot of the rotor is fitted with a freely sliding rectangular vane.[3] The vanes are extended to the housing walls using springs, cam action, or air pressure, depending on the motor design. Air is pumped through the motor input which pushes on the vanes creating the rotational motion of the central shaft. Rotation speeds can vary between 100 and 25,000 rpm depending on several factors which including the amount of air pressure at the motor inlet and the diameter of the housing.[1] Rotary motion vane type air motors are used to start large industrial diesel or natural gas engines.   Stored energy in the form of compressed air, nitrogen or natural gas enters the sealed motor chamber and exerts pressure against the vanes of a rotor.   Much like a windmill, this causes the rotor to turn at high speed.   Because the engine flywheel requires a great deal of torque to start the engine, reduction gears are used. Reduction gears to create high torque levels with the lower amounts of energy input. These reduction gears allow for sufficient torque to be generated by the engine flywheel while it is engaged by the pinion gear of the air motor or air starter. Application A widespread application of small pneumatic motors is in hand-held tools, power ratchet wrenches, drills, sanders, grinders, cutters, and so on. Though overall energy efficiency of pneumatics tools is low and they require access to a compressed-air source, there are several advantages over electric tools. They offer greater power density (a smaller pneumatic motor can provide the same amount of power as a larger electric motor), do not require an axillary speed controller (adding to its compactness), generate less heat, and can be used in more volatile atmospheres as they do not require electric power.Some gas turbine engines and Diesel engines, particularly on trucks, use a pneumatic self-starter. The system consists of a geared turbine, an air compressor and a pressure tank. Compressed air released from the tank is used to spin the turbine, and through a set of reduction gears, engages the ring gear on the flywheel, much like an electric starter. The engine, once running, powers th e compressor to recharge the tank. On larger diesel generators found in large shore installations and especially on ships, a pneumatic starting gear is used. The air motor is normally powered by compressed air at pressures of 10-30 bar. The air motor is made up of a center drum about the size of a soup can with four or more slots cut into it to allow for the vanes to be placed radially on the drum to form chambers around the drum. The drum is offset inside a round casing so that the inlet air for starting is admitted at the area where the drum and vanes form a small chamber compared to the others. The compressed air can only expand by rotating the drum which allows the small chamber to become larger and puts another one of the cambers in the air inlet. The air motor spins much too fast to be used directly on the flywheel of the engine, instead a large gearing reduction such as a planetary gear is used to lower the output speed. A Bendix gear is used to engage the flywheel. Some smaller diesel engines such as ones found on tugboats and lifeboats use hydraulic start motors in which the air motor is replaced with a hydraulic motor. While running, the engine shouldnt be shut down unless the hydraulic accumulators for the starting motor are recharged. Otherwise there is a manual hand pump to slowly pump up the accumulators. Since large trucks typically use air brakes, the system does double duty, supplying compressed air to the brake system. Pneumatic starters have the advantages of delivering high torque, mechanical simplicity and reliability. They eliminate the need for oversized, heavy storage batteries in prime mover electrical systems. BIBLOGRAPHY WWW.GOOGLE.COM WWW.WIKIPEDIA.COM WWW.PHYSICS.ORG

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Killer Angels :: History, Battle of Gettysburg

THIS IS AN INTRODUCTION!!!!! The commanders that served under Lee were blinded by this admiration. â€Å"His presence is everywhere. They hush when he passes, like an Angel of the Lord.† (pg. 63) Even as he walks down the street people salute him, bow to him, praise him. â€Å"A Pennsylvania woman flirted, asked for is autograph.† (pg. 78) Within the army Lee is worshipped by all members, low and high. When something goes wrong they will find someway to avert the blame from Lee, even though it may have been his fault, to someone else. â€Å"They love him. They do not blame him. They do impossible things for him.† (pg. 250) On the second day of the battle, when everything goes horribly wrong for the Confederate Army, no one blames Lee for the loss. It was his idea to (what was his plan again..) and yet after it failed everyone took it out on Longstreet. As Goree says on page 240 â€Å"They can’t blame General Lee. Not no more. So they take it out on [Longstreet].† Although Lee is one of the most loved Generals of all time, I don’t think he enjoyed it all that much. On page 79 he says that â€Å"Fame came too late. I would have enjoyed it, if I were younger man.† The Confederate Army could, and probably should, have won the Battle of Gettysburg. They started off the battle by overpowering the Union Army on the first day. Everyone is in good spirits and feeling that â€Å"with every step of a soldier, with every tick of the clock, the army was gaining safety, closer to victory, closer to the dream of independence.† (pg. 110) With this in mind they charged into the second day. This is when everything went wrong. Lee’s plan was to â€Å"attack en echelon, to take Cemetery Hill in reverse.† (pg. 184) Although most of the Confederate Army was against the procedure and thought it wouldn’t work, no one could persuade Lee to change his mind. And so the army went ahead and attacked the Union Army following Lee’s plan. The battle raged on for hours and by the end the Confederate Army had suffered an unpleasant loss. If they had used a different strategy I think they could have won on the second day. By the third day, however, things are looking grim. Even Longstreet admits it when he is talking to Lee; â€Å"I have to tell you now, sir, that I believe this attack will fail.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Nuclear Power - A Short History Essay -- Nuclear Energy Breeder Fissio

Nuclear Power - A Short History Nuclear fission is the splitting of the nuclei of (normally) very heavy or unstable elements (normally heavier than iron), resulting in a release of large amounts of energy as well as the unstable, radioactive isotopes of lighter elements, as well as any logical number of neutrons. For uranium 235, the most abundant usable fuel present in nature, the number of neutrons released is about 2.4 per atom, and the energy released is about 215 MeV per atom (Example, nd), or about 215 MeV * 6.02*10^23 235U * 1000 g * joule 235U 1 * g * Kg * MeV * 1.602*10-13 = 8.05*10^15 joule or 8.05 petajoule per kilogram of uranium 235 However, uranium is not found in natural concentrations of more than 0.7% of any given amount of uranium; in order to efficiently obtain energy from uranium, one must "enrich" the uranium, or concentrate the usable isotopes (Uranium, nd). Leo Szilard, a Hungarian scientist who had recently escaped Berlin for London, first entertained the idea of a chain-reaction of radioactive isotopes in 1933 (Szilà ¡rd, 2006); he patented his idea in 1936 in the U.K., and shared a patent with Enrico Fermi in the United States. Later, Otto Hahn and Fritz Stressmann, along with Lise Mietner and her nephew Otto Frisch, discovered fission when Hahn and Stressmann bombarded uranium with neutrons, resulting in the emission of a few smaller atoms in addition to neutrons and energy; Mietner and Frisch interpreted the resulting energy and atoms as being the results of fission of the uranium atoms' nuclei ("History," Georgia State University, nd); this fission resulted in huge amounts of energy per reaction (on the order of 200 mega electron-volts per atom of uranium 235). In 1942 and after deciding that ura... ...n the Accident at Three Mile Island. Retrieved August 2, 2006 from doc-collections/fact-sheets/3mile-isle.html Nuclear Tourist. (2005, December 19) Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR). Retrieved August 2, 2006 from Wikipedia. (2006, August) Chicago Pile 1. Retrieved August 2, 2006 from Nuclear Energy 7 Wikipedia. (2006, August) Leà ³ Szilà ¡rd. Retrieved August 2, 2006 from Wikipedia. (2006, August) Magnox. Retrieved August 2, 2006 from Wikipedia. (2006, August) Nuclear Power. Retrieved August 2, 2006 from Wikipedia. (2006, August) Nuclear Fission. Retrieved August 2, 2006 from

Friday, October 11, 2019

Process of law Essay

According to the law, no person is to be deprived of life or liberty without the due process of the law.   Due process in this sense does not only refer to the adherence to certain procedural rules such as the Miranda Rights or the presentation of a warrant of arrest.   Due process is basically a two-fold rule because it involves substantial and procedural aspects.   As discussed, procedural due process is not enough.   There must also be substantial due process which is used to justify the deprivation of life or liberty. This rule is applicable not only in criminal or civil proceedings in front of the Courts of Justice.   As has been held in the cases of Goss vs. Lopez (419 U.S. 565) and Wisconsin v. Constantineau (400 U.S. 433) (1971), the due process of law applies equally to administrative proceedings.   As so eloquently stated in the case of Wisconsin v. Constantineau (400 U.S. 433) (1971), â€Å"[T]he right to be heard before being condemned to suffer grievous loss of any kind, even though it may not involve the stigma and hardships of a criminal conviction, is a principle basic to our society.†Ã‚  (Wisconsin v. Constantineau 400 U.S. 433). For a clearer understanding, this principle will be applied to criminal case and then compared to the administrative process.   In certain criminal cases, the problem with regard to due process may lie in the fact that while the procedural due process aspect may have been satisfied by making a valid arrest, the substantial aspect may be left wanting due to the lack of any evidence, circumstantial or direct, that can be used as the grounds for making of such an arrest. In administrative cases, due process is also applied, especially when it deals with a â€Å"grievous loss.†Ã‚   This is applied to disciplinary cases that involve the loss of certain rights and privileges.   In fact, in certain cases, due process has been said to apply to any situation wherein there is a diminution of legally provided benefits.   As seen in the case of Goss vs. Lopez (419 U.S. 565), which involved the suspension of a student for ten (10) days without any hearing, the Supreme Court ruled that this was unconstitutional for being a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution.   The Supreme Court declared that though it was a school hearing, such was considered as an administrative hearing that warranted the application of the due process clause. In another case, Wisconsin v. Constantineau 400 U.S. 433 the Supreme Court ruled on the issue the posting of notices on the sale of intoxicating liquors and the authority of the police chief to authorize such an act.   The Supreme Court in this case also decided that due process required that hearing and notice was needed before such a regulation was to be imposed.   Due process means that the law hears before it condemns.   It was therefore required that procedure be strictly followed to allow people to protect their honor and reputation. When the forefathers drafted the constitution, they had in mind a fine balance between the rights of individuals and the public good.   It was recognized even during that time that there are certain things that are necessary in order that the greater good for the public can be protected.   By unduly restricting the power of officers of the law to uphold the law, the efficacy of such laws may be hampered and the rights of the public may not be sufficiently protected.   In order for the rights of the public to be duly protected, it is necessary therefore that due process be observed.   As mentioned, the law that the forefathers envisioned is one that hears before it condemns. Given the power that the government is provided, there is a necessity of placing certain restrictions.   This may come in the form of the bill of rights or the due process clause as contained in the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution.   It does not matter whether it is a criminal case or an administrative case, the important thing is that once the issue involves a deprivation of rights and privileges that a person has been entitled to due process must be strictly observed.   Cases Cited: Goss vs. Lopez (419 U.S. 565) Wisconsin v. Constantineau (400 U.S. 433)

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Final Case Study

No â€Å"l† In Team Team members: Jazzmen Robinson, ROR Rousakis, Antenatal Karma, Allen Wang MGM 300 – Team Dynamics and Managerial Analysis Golden Gate University Case Overview The case looks at a company called Support. Com that specializes in technology support. The company Is roughly 1 1 years old and provides other companies, such as Compact, technical support to their customers with purchased products.All employees of the company work remotely from home, while the corporate location as a large office in Redwood City. Support. Com irritates that it is no longer a startup company, however, in many ways the maturity of its administration points otherwise. Jazzmen Robinson, a 2013 graduate from USAF with a background in Communication Studies (also a team member of No â€Å"l† In Team), experienced the low-level administrative abilities in Support. Coma's human resources department. She was hired in as a Temporary Contract Recruiting Coordinator in the fall of 2013.From Cayman's initial perspective, the HER team appeared to be functioning Just fine, but this was definitely not the case as time revealed. The HER Director, by the name of Erik, was the mall cause of many problems that manifested In the department. Erik was employed for 7 years with the company, several of those years as the Director of HER. Erik had a background In Nonverbal Communication, as well as many years of experience in HER. Nonetheless, her inabilities to lead the HER team became quite

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

8th amendment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

8th amendment - Research Paper Example Here, courts need to look for factors on how to change the standards of the community and also come up with the independent evaluation if the statutes are reasonable. For instance, in the case of Furman V. Georgia, the jury invalidated the death penalty regulation at that time because they constituted the unusual punishment and cruelty against the eighth amendment. The eighth amendment is an American amendment that bars or prevents the government from practices that may result in the violation of the freedom of people (Smith, 2010). It prevents the government from imposing cruel and unusual punishment such as torture and excess bails and fines. This amendment was adopted as early as 1791. Death sentence is a practice of the state where people are sentenced to death due to the magnitude of their crime. It is also commonly referred to as capital punishment. Overtime death penalty was not highly considered as a violation of this amendment. There were no vivid cases that had been presented there before to show the brutality of the death sentence and how it imposed cruel and unusual punishment to people. This was until 1972 when a United State Supreme Court decision called the Furman v. Georgia was ruled. The case had to be presented by three black men including Furman who had to be sentenced to death. In this ruling, the court declared that the death penalty violated the eighth amendment. However, the court did not view the death penalty as a cruel and unusual punishment. The case led to a de facto moratorium on capital punishment. The court argued that the manner in which the death sentences were being imposed was capricious. People were being sentenced to death in an erratic manner. However, this ruling by the court was not taken well by the country. People argued that there are some crimes whose best solution was a death sentence. In 1976, the court reviewed the case due to statutes presented by

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

A Strategic Choice of Market Segmentation in the Medical Aesthetic Dissertation

A Strategic Choice of Market Segmentation in the Medical Aesthetic Devices industry - Dissertation Example Fashion specialists indicate that fashionable trends start in big cities as centers of invention. However, developed societies like America have shown a big trend in the way the market has responded to the changes in the customer tastes, preferences and need for new devices in the industry (Mei~data, 2012). To this cause, medicine field had evolved from the aspect of just treating diseases to more sophisticated operations like changing the actual form of the human body. Specifically, the medical field has moved to the aesthetic level of changing the physical appearance, whole or in part of the concerned person (Moretti, 2009). With the current generation endeared towards fashion and beauty, the medical aesthetic devices industry has become very interesting although it is still very young, having started just close to 35 years ago. By 2012, the annual industry growth had grown to an all-time high of 11.9%. The devices used earlier on were based on medical use in which case high risk d evices such as lasers were used. However, the needed changes raised the need to have better devices leading to introduction of other devices such as IPL, Electroporation and RF devices. Much safer devices have since been introduced into the market. Beauty salons, Spas and aestheticians then decided on the need to have these devices for their customers. They created a very important market segment (GBI, 2012). Over the years, the complexity of the industry has seen simpler operations carried out at homes and non-specialized places (Jesitus, 2008). This was a market niche that had developed leading to a more rampant consideration as another segment in the industry. These home-based aesthetic medical services became a center of consideration since there had to be pricing, assurance of efficiency of these products, product regulation and marketing (Frentzen, 2013). A strategic direction has to be therefore identified in the market that would effectively and efficiently not only be profi table to the companies in the industry but also serve the market well. Three niche markets are identified therefore for service by this industry; the medical field, home use and the beauty section. Companies have come up and focused in the market through different strategies that have allowed them to venture into different markets as stated by the niches above (Jassal, 2013). There are companies that have concentrated on any of the three choices the companies have come up with aspects of production aiming at devices that; hair removal, acne treatment, skin rejuvenation and many other aesthetic services (Kuechel, 2004). Research Aim Taking a reference at the research question, we get the idea that companies require a strategic choice for their medical aesthetic devices in the three identified market niches. The aim will therefore direct the companies on whether there is need to make changes to their current marketing strategy, expand them or invent new ones. This will also lead to th e invention of the need to either segregate the market or come up with a clearer way of operating. Research Question and Objectives From the hypothetical statement indicated in the proposal, the research questions look to determine whether there is a need for a strategic change for market segmentation for a medically focused aesthetic company considering that there are recent changes and

Monday, October 7, 2019

Global Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Global Management - Essay Example The median household income is $48,617 (City of Arlington, 2011). In terms of religious affiliation, 36% are Southern Baptist, 22% are Catholics, 13% are United Methodists and 29% comprises the other religions. Arlington has ten public elementary/middle schools and ten private elementary/middle schools. It has ten public high schools and seven private high schools. The workforce of Arlington is large, well-educated and diverse (Arlington Chamber of Commerce, 2008). The land area of Arlington is 99.5 square miles and the city’s property tax rate is 0.6480 per $100 valuation (City of Arlington, 2011). The city is in the middle of Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex and is eight miles from the DFW airport. It abides by the business-friendly traditions of Texas (Cluck, 2011). Over 100 square miles is allotted to business which includes five business parks (Cluck, 2011). In terms of the industries present in the area, as of 2009, the most common industry is construction which comprises 13% of the total industry in the area (Onboard Informatics, 2011). Other industries include accommodation and food services; administrative and support and waste management services; professional, scientific and technical services; educational services; finance and insurance and transportation equipment (Onboard Informatics, 2011). Like the other areas in Texas, the people of Arlington also celebrate varied cultural heritage festivals because of the diversity of its population in terms of background and culture. Since Texas used to be a part of Mexico, a lot of the Mexican traditions have been adapted by the Texans. Among the festivals celebrated by the Texans are Cinco de Mayo celebration. The German heritage has also influenced Texas; thus, the celebration of the Oktoberfest. Other festivities celebrated by the people of Texas are Charro Days, Riofest and Port Isabel’s Day of the Dead. A major consideration in

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Recycling in the hospitality Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Recycling in the hospitality - Case Study Example This is done by a mutual exchange and fulfilment 'f promises." [1] There has been a very notable change in the concept 'f using traditional transactional marketing to building and maintaining relationships. This assignment talks about relationship and direct marketing and how it is used in today's world. To make things comprehensible, a company was chosen and the focus was made on this company and their dealings. Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata, the founder 'f the Tata Group, incorporated the Indian Hotels Company Limited (IHCL) on April 1, 1902, for the ownership and operation 'f the Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai. The Taj Group's first hotel, The Taj Mahal Palace & Tower, Mumbai was opened on December 16, 1903. The Taj has had momentous innings spanning the last three decades both in India and overseas and has established itself as the premier hospitality body in this country. Indian Hotels' presence spans the entire gamut 'f the market, across different brands and price segments. It is renowned for providing world-class, personalized service to guests, even as it retains an old-world charm by upholding the traditions and heritage 'f India. Today the Taj brand is synonymous with luxury and service, in India and abroad. The Taj brand is divided into 3 categories, namely business, leisure and luxury. This is done to make things easier and more approachable for a customer. All these hotels use product differentiation. This is made evident and clear through their marketing activities. However, the services offered here are the same. Each type 'f category uses a set 'f procedures and policies to maintain relationship marketing. The focus at IHCL is on customer valuation, which then leads to attracting new customers and customer retention. The Taj believes in maintaining customer relationships. As shown in the value chain earlier, Taj has two main customers. This is her guest and the Travel agencies that she deals with. A customer is valued and identified by market research. He is then attracted with schemes and programs. Once a customer is attracted and starts using Taj services, a focus is made on building a strong and special relationship with him. Taj has an alliance with Thomas Cook. This is the main travel agency, which promotes Taj. Besides Thomas cook, there are hundreds 'f travel agencies which deal with Taj. These range from the biggest agencies in India like the travel corporation 'f India and Sita Travels to the smaller agencies all over the country. Taj has won international acclaim by winning various international awards. Recently, at the 2000 Selling Long-Haul magazine Travel Industry Awards, UK and Irish travel agents have awarded Taj Hotels as the Best Individual Hotel/Hotel Group in India/Indian Ocean. The travel agencies are offered discounts, schemes, promotions and packages, which they can further sell, to the customers. It also has alliances with a few

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Internationization Of Economies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Internationization Of Economies - Essay Example Explain what a Monetary Union is and indicate possible benefits of the regime. Globalisation is a broad term used to denote the merger of the world’s various economic systems. The primary agents of change are reductions in barriers to trade such as import quotas, export fees and tariffs. The base contention related to justify globalisation is that it aids in increasing material wealth as well as goods and services through an efficient process of international division of labour. Globalisation is also used to describe how regional economies, cultures and societies are becoming increasingly integrated through trade, transportation and communication. Economic globalisation can be specified better if seen as the integration of national and regional economies into the global economy. The salient features of this integration are FDI (foreign direct investment), migration, trade, capital flows, technology and military presence. (Bhagwati, 2004) Globalisation like most other internati onal phenomenon has had positive and negative consequences. This text will attempt to analyse the positive and negative aspects of globalisation in terms of economics by utilising relevant economic theories. This will be followed by a discussion on floating and fixed exchange rates and the text will end with an appraisal of the monetary union concept. Economic Globalisation Economic globalisation is dependent on achieving a common global market that is based entirely on the freedom to exchange all nature of services and goods. (Lorenz & Wagner, 2007) Another major consequence of globalisation is that employees have to compete in an international job market. Previously wage regulations were more in sync with national economies while the advent of globalisation has changed this altogether. As economies are more and more intertwined, the failure of an individual economy does not necessarily jeopardise worker’s wages. This has affected the distribution of wages and income on a la rge scale. (Reich, 1992) The new global market is highly competitive and productivity must be upgraded in order to face the competition. The removal of trade barriers and tariffs ensures that competition is head on and multi faceted simultaneously. Quality and cost need to be monitored at the same time and there are large chances that industry may fail if faced with too stiff competition. Industries must upgrade their technology as well as the product range in order to compete. (Croucher, 2004) However, the failure of individual economies does present the chance for a domino effect. One failing economy may spur failure elsewhere and the entire global market may collapse. The recent economic recession is a glaring example of such a phenomenon. Some schools of thought contend that globalisation does present obvious problems through rapid development but globalisation is a positive force which has the power to lift a nation out of poverty. Rapid development spurs a virtual economic cyc le which produces faster economic advancement. (Bhagwati, 2004) Globalisation presents blue collar workers in developing nations with far greater occupational choices than before. Educated workers from developing nations are given chances to compete internationally for better paying jobs. Workers from developing nations are able to compete with workers from industrialised nations at an advantage. This aids in creating greater opportunities for workers. Workers are provided with opportunities to emigrate and getting jobs in industrialised countries or to stay in their native countries to work in outsourced industrial ventures. The global economy also provides abundant opportunities for products of cottage industries too. (Bhagwati, 2004) On the other hand, globalisation has